The World’s Team?: New study finds Bills are NFL’s most Popular Franchise Worldwide.

The World’s Team?: New study finds Bills are NFL’s most Popular Franchise Worldwide.

  1. As a lifelong Bills fan, this makes me so proud! We’ve come a long way, and it’s great to see the team getting recognition.

  2. Definitely not accurate. There is no way that a small-market city like Buffalo, where the only people who leave go to North Carolina or Florida, has more fans globally than cities 10x their scale containing wealthier people who travel the world much more frequently.

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  5. The only criticism I have of the article is at the end about not being near a booming metropolis. Toronto is an 1.5hr away.

  6. when i was traveling in Italy i met a fellow traveler from Mexico wearing a Bills hat. when he found out i was from Buffalo he asked to shake my hand, kinda cracked me up but it was cool finding another fan. people all around the world love the Bills!

  7. I believe it – passed by a guy in a Bills jersey in Port Villa, Vanuatu in the South Pacific. I will always regret being too startled to say “Go Bills!”

  8. Can you imagine the parties if/when the Buffalo Bills win a Super Bowl? 🤯😶💯

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