Embiid on french fans booing him

Embiid on french fans booing him

  1. soft lil bitch!

    jk i’ve said for a long time philly’s “we don’t turn on players for poor results, we turn on them for not putting in effort, and we determine whether they are putting in effort based on the results” thing is a huge part of the city’s trouble attracting stars. people would rather play for famously racist boston fans than famously equal-opportunity-hater philly fans.

    when yankees and lakers fans turn on their own guys it’s still lame, but i sort of get it cus they are so accustomed to incredible success and anything less than excellence feels like it’s not worthy of their franchise.

    philly fans, though, are like the broke ratchet 33 year old girl who disses her tinder date for using an android and wonders why nobody wants to be with her.

    homie went into his memory palace to think of negative environments he’s played in front of, and his first pull was *his home stadium*. that’s kinda crazy

    (like he goes on to say) that doesn’t mean we aren’t doing it out of love. but sometimes i wonder if maybe us expressing our love in a universally disliked way,while watching it return below average results for a city of our size decade after decade, maybe means we should shift our attitude a bit.

  2. The only time the fans were wrong was when they booed Covington for going cold. Always cracked me up but it was brutal

  3. embiid has been singled out and booed at home more than ben simmons ever was which is crazy. And it was for flirting with jimmy online and not being happy about the 2020 offseason which he was right about.

    hes always right

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