George Kittle = A man of the people

Took my kids to Niners training camp today and after a long wait, plenty of heat, and dwindling hopes of getting autographs… Mr Kittle came through.

He must have signed 100+ autographs while so many of his teammates opted to call it a day.

Thanks George for helping me win some serious Dad points today

Also: big shout out to Trent Taylor, Oren Burks, and Ricky Pearsall for signing on our side of the field.

  1. Jealous! I went to Friday’s practice which ended up being shorter than I expected, and I unfortunately couldn’t wait long enough to see if Kittle would come around to our end. I did get to see Jauan up close though which was cool!

  2. I love how happy Kittle makes the fans. True “People’s TE” right there. Hope he stays a Niner for life.

  3. We went yesterday too and we had Chris Conley and Donte Whitner signed our jersey. you guys are super lucky! we waited until they told us that was it.. we were kind of broken hearted 💔 lol. but o well it was still fun. but we really appreciate Chris Conley for coming up it really made my son super happy. sometimes it is those little things that will make their day. 🥰

  4. George has always been such a great guy. It’s amazing to see how far he’s come since his early collegiate days at Iowa

  5. Im a 49ers fan living in Tennessee. Soak it up 49ers fans. He’s living amongst us tho.

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