Not going to the games is the best way to deny the ownership group of nice things.

Not going to the games is the best way to deny the ownership group of nice things.

  1. I agree it’s the best way, but in the end, they win. Listen to the games? They win. Watch them on TV? Win. The distribution may change but the devil always gets his due.

  2. And, not watching them… It’s an indirect action, they got contracts with the stations and what not. But, those contracts stop paying out for the stations, they’ll stop forking over the cut for the organization, one by one until it all dries up. And then they’ll get the message. That’s the play all along, ticket sales are prone to rallies and rivalries. The brass at the top likes the money, but they don’t like the volatility, so they look for the big bucks from the stations, because they have contracts that smooth out the peaks and the valleys. Those go away and they’ll realize just how insecure they really are.

  3. The post game guy on 700 said the Reds spend 40% of their revenue on the roster. How does that compare to other clubs? Surely one of the Fire Bell’ers have that comparison handy. Offhand my 3 seconds of Google research implies the Dodgers spend about 70% if I’m not mistaken

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