Cardinals After Dark 8/5


FINAL: 6-0 Mets


Postgame Wrap


  1. Quickly approaching where I was early season when I stopped paying attention. This team spirals hard. 

  2. someone better flip the table with the dinner spread over in the clubhouse tonight, these mfers deserve bologna sandwiches

  3. You guys realize we’re done right? There’s no righting this ship, no random hot streak. This team is just fuckin cooked. It doesn’t have enough offensive, defensive and coaching talent to compete.

  4. Nado’s attitude wasn’t a good look the last inning or so. Alvarez slow roller and not giving a shit, K’d in the 9th, and dude had the jersey untucked and pants unbuttoned before even walking down to the clubhouse.

  5. Nobody has the wherewithal to catch a team that got off to a great start and has played. 500 ball for a long time now.

  6. The only game I remember from last season is Waino’s 200th W.

    Here’s hoping we’ll have more to remember this season than the Pham Slam, but boy it ain’t looking great right now.

  7. So 49 games left. To win 85 games, we need to go 28-21

    That’s doable. They do kinda need to stop sucking though

  8. Don’t worry gang! We’ll start hitting just well enough for Turner Ward to keep his job.

  9. This is the worst team in baseball. Just a travesty of a ball club. They need to clean house and start over. Anyone who still watches this team needs their head examined, and I for one won’t put up with it anymore. I’m done with this team and with this season.

    Anyhow, I’ll see you all tomorrow. Have a good night everyone!

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