Jimmy G update? Any truth to this?

Rumor mill coming around saying Jimmy G has an uphill battle to make the team. Not sure the truth behind this, but not shocked to say the least.

  1. I mean it makes sense. We signed him when we didn’t know if Stetson was coming back.

  2. I keep forgetting he’s on the Rams and it’s a shock every time I see his name here lmao

  3. Idc either way, if he makes the team, it’s because sean trusts him. If he doesn’t make the team, it’s because sean doesn’t trust him. Either way, I trust sean to make the right call.

  4. I’d shocked if he didnt make the team. All they have besides Stafford is Bennett who sat out last season for reasons still unknown. Jimmy is suspended for the first two games but I expect hom to bé the bavkup startíng game 3.

  5. Pretty sure Stetson being given another chance threw a wrench in any long term plans but who knows we might have two backups this year again

  6. I guess my overall question is how’s he been doing in camp? From what I saw, he never did sling it. He had a couple tosses, wrist flicks that earned just a few yards. Perhaps the reason I never saw those deep balls is because those were either over or under thrown? Regardless, 11 may be an issue. 9 is out every season for a couple of games and I just don’t think Jimmy’s got it anymore. Stetson, though, he needs to grow.

  7. They tried for a couple years to sign Jimmy, so this would surprise me. Maybe he is cooked though, he was garbage last year. But only having Stetson behind Stafford is scary.

  8. I’m so thankful that everyone in the press and on reddit know what’s going on with Jimmy G. If I didn’t have all of this inside information, I’d be lost.

    Hey! Puka had a bag of ice on his knee yesterday! He’s fucken finished! Shut the team down.


  9. Not true at all, if it were true then you would be seeing this report elsewhere and not just a 49ers fan page account lol

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