Do you guys ACTUALLY think Tyrese cares if he gets minutes or not?

Every time I see him he has the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. He’s over here laughing it up and hanging out with all of his childhood heroes, while also playing with one of his best friends, Anthony Edwards. I would be smiling too if I got to do all of that.

Not only that, but he’s most likely going to win a gold medal while being apart possibly one of the greatest teams we’ve ever assembled. Do you think he’s complaining to Steve Kerr every night about his minutes? Absolutely not.

Let him rest, let him learn from the best, and let him have a chip on his shoulder for next season. He’s been in the league for 4 years and just helped get us to the conference finals. He’s living it UP!

  1. I don’t think he cares he’s just taking in the vibes and playing with childhood idols

  2. It’s was known he wouldn’t get much playing time this time around. He’s just there to provide good vibes and get some experience before 2028

  3. Of course he does, he’s just a really good teammate that won’t showcase that at all

  4. I sure he’d rather play and contribute than not but I doubt he’s that pressed about it. I think he’s more than happy to defer to his older peers, many of who may be playing in their last Olympics. 2028 all being well should be his year to be a key figure on the team.

  5. I think he is having an awesome time and the experience is invaluable to him. He definitely cares though. Every player on that team believes they can be the best player on the court at any given moment, that is why they are there. I think he will use it as motivation.

  6. He’s like a year older than me and i certainly wouldn’t care if i was chillin on the bench cheering on lebron kd and steph. Fuck it i’d bring some pom-poms

  7. Think he is 💯 healed from injury? Hope he is but seems odd at times. Especially at times when they try to play fast.

  8. I think all yal care about everyone’s minutes *WAY* more than the players. They’re winning

  9. No he doesn’t care and is being a good sport. There are just times when USA needs to up the pace when the offense grows stagnant and it’s odd Kerr doesn’t throw him in. Seems like Kerr just doesn’t like him.

  10. Nah he doesn’t care. He’ll get a medal (hopefully gold) while gaining really valuable experience for when he’s the starting PG in 2028.

  11. Im sure he’d like to get more, but doesnt care.

    Sip some french wine, hang out with legends, recruit Ant to indy, get away from the family for a few months. its good shit.

  12. He’s like the little brother for the team when I see him on the side lines celebrating w that big ass grin lol. He’s doin what he loves and he’s playing with captains to learn that exp. He doesn’t need minutes. He will learn more watching. Hali is a solid player on n off the court

  13. As a competitor yes. Anything other than that is a lie. As someone who loves the game and knows he has many years of success ahead of him he knows his time will come he keeps perspective on the experience and makes the best of it. Tyrese is level headed dude with a ton of good spirit so the answer is yes AND no.

  14. Did Christian Laetner care? Nope. And why should he have. He was still on the greatest team ever assembled and has a gold medal.

  15. He probably feels like a rookie on a team with some of his idols and knows his times coming. As a competitor I’m sure he wants to get in but I don’t think he’s sitting actively upset or frustrated with it

  16. You don’t get to that level of NBA stardom without being hyper competitive, so I’m sure a large part of him would love to be on the court… but also he’s probably enjoying just vibing with the team and hanging with some other stars.

  17. Absolutely he wants to play, but he’s doing the right thing and being supportive off the bench. Dude is probably pissed off but he’s certainly not going to show the world that. He’s smarter than that.

  18. He’s probably fine with it, especially since he knew what his playing time would be. He’s a competitor, sure, so of course he’d *rather* be out there but it’s more painful for us as fans when we know what he can provide

  19. I mean. I’m sure he’d like to play with all these great players. He probably getting a gold medal, so I’m sure he ain’t mad

  20. Every high level basketball player cares. But he understands what this team actually is

  21. Of course he cares. Anyone who competes in a sport at the highest levels would care. He’s just a damn good teammate and I think he’s genuinely a good person

  22. Obviously he would like to play more but above that is being a good teammate and person. He’s having fun, learning and bidding his time until he can run the show.

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