Uhhh… guys… it’s happening again…

So, in the past day, KP followed Alex Jones, JB followed Andrew Tate and Ryan Garcia, (and Kyrie followed Sneako)…

  1. This is going to sound like I’m being sarcastic, but I’m genuinely asking who those guys are? Is this bad?

  2. I mean KP liked a meme last offseason with the hard R and has been accused of calling a black girl his “slave” during sex (on top of much worse claims), this shit isn’t surprising.





  3. I think it’s weird that there’s a Twitter account that follows which accounts nba players unfollow/follow. Also I think it’s weird that Jaylen follows Ryan Garcia after he said those things about Muslims & black people. KP following Alex jones is crazy…

  4. Time for Brad to actually explain what the word government means and educate these clowns 🤦‍♂️

  5. If you don’t separate the art from the artist, you’re left with a rock and a stick for entertainment.

  6. Watching sean strickland gleefully beat the tar out of sneako was an absolute masterpiece.

  7. I think the most egregious part of all this is the fact that dudes as old as them are falling for the grifters who primarily target teenage boys

  8. I logged onto my Twitter one day to find out I follow Nick Fuentes.

    I promise I never followed Nick Fuentes on my own accord.

    Who knows how long they’ve been following the respective accounts, for some reason I doubt this Twitter account has the entire list of follows of every nba player in real time lol

  9. It’s important to remember these guys are just good at basketball. And being good at basketball doesn’t mean you are necessarily good and/or smart about anything else.

  10. Yeah…. I remember that interview JB and KP did about their friendship and KP said something like “we see the world the same way and have similar ideas about big picture stuff” and my thought was “uh oh.”

    It’s not great but I also ask how much they use their platform and visibility to promote stuff from these guys. And the answer is really not much. Kinda best you can do.

    These guys are all multi millionaires and are really unknowable beyond what they put out willingly in public. And they guard that stuff pretty tightly.

    I love watching them ball at least.

  11. Why is Kyrie being posted here still? You guys think about him everyday. It’s pretty sad.

  12. Listen, I don’t expect multi-millionaires to have good politics, nor would my favorite players be my go-to when it comes to understanding policies—I’ll look to actual activists for that. But this is next level weird. Not just disappointing, but *weird*.

    Alex Jones specifically confounds me. Like, the most washed of washed-up far right grifters, melting red sweaty sack of shit peddling the most heartless lies of the past decade, who is deeply entrenched in American culture specifically? What the hell does KP get out of that??

    I won’t make excuses for them. I doubt there’s a conspiracy, ~~beyond someone else running their socials and not logging out…? They aren’t exactly tweeting every day…~~ But I want to know what they really feel if this is the case. Like don’t hide it if you really agree with it, right? Otherwise, they should hire better PR people 🙄

    Look: Right wing shit will eat you alive. It’s not good for anyone around you, but it’s not good for *you* either. I see it every day. I fully believe that people can change, but I also know just how quickly this shit leaves you rotten. I don’t want to see it happen to anybody, so yes, I *do* care about what people who are strangers to me think. I can’t control it, but I care.

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