Was Trae Young Ranked Too Low in the Latest Point Guard Rankings For the 2024-2025 Season?

Was Trae Young Ranked Too Low in the Latest Point Guard Rankings For the 2024-2025 Season?

  1. He doesn’t get respect because the Hawks are ass. Recognition comes from winning. Too bad ownership just cares about the bottom line.

  2. Looks like the rankings are tiered to me. There is a top 2 (Luka; SGA) then the next 9 or 10 in which Trae was placed towards the bottom of but those can be ranked in just about any other imo. Could also see an argument that Curry would separate the next tier, but he’s probably just too low and should be #3. Don’t really see Brunson or Hali as clearly ahead of that 2nd tier.

    For both Curry and Trae, the knock is team success so at least that is a common theme that can be worked on.

  3. Trae was a bit overrated when he was a “walking top 5 offense” after ECF and he’s grossly underrated now. He attacked a lot of the main gripes on his game last season and if the team was more successful his work wouldn’t have gone under the radar. Hopefully this is a more balanced roster that can accentuate his strengths again. How he’s talked about is going to be heavily linked to team success.

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