Jericho Sims is a monster

Ok, I've posted a couple of times here about Sims. Well, the last week I've seen one after another and another video on youtube beating the same drum, Sims is ready for a break out.

Sims had a killer freshman year. Then tore a ligament in his thumb at the end of the year, had surgery and rehabbed it that offseason.

He started his second year hot, did the slam dunk contest, tore his shoulder up, and had surgery again, and rehabbed the off season.

This last year, he was noticeably smaller, and less effective coming off of surgery.

This off season, he's healthy, working with Bibby on his shot. He still has a mind boggling 44.5" vert, a literal skywalker, and he's breaking out this season.

Oh, and for the haters, here's a video highlighting his defense, staring with his D on Bridges last year, at the 2:00 mark.


  1. I think Thibs is gonna have to trust him more than ever, especially if ..when …Mitch gets hurt again. At the very least we just need him to be serviceable until the trade deadline.

  2. I hope sims is good. He’s best quality on defense is actually his one on one defense his athleticism allows him to be switchable and guard well, he’s just got poor iq. We will see hopefully he is serviceabke

  3. He’ll have to beat out Precious first. Sims might have a higher ceiling than Precious, but Precious is a dog, works great in our system and does all the little things Thibs loves.

    Theres a similar youtube video about Precious and he’s constantly cutting underneath the basket and Brunson doesnt even have to look for him he knows he’ll be there and passes it for an easy assist. I think thats an example of what a perfect “system player” does. I never see that with Sims, he just waits for an ally oop.

    Any guy that gets right up in Embiids face and talks shit has a spot on my team.

  4. >Ok, I’ve posted a couple of times here about Sims. 

    this should really be the tagline for the sub

  5. you should grab a beer with my dad. he (unironically) believes sims is the best center on our roster. i don’t see what you guys are seeing but i sincerely hope you’re both right.

  6. “For the haters”

    Who hates on sims?

    I dont think he’s ready for major minutes on a championship level team, but i hope I’m wrong. Like how the knicks took their time on deuce, i trust that if sims is ready they will give him a real chance.

    But i dont see anyone hating on sims. Thinking he isnt a rotation player isnt hating, just an opinion.

  7. Sims’ issue has nothing to do with his athleticism. It has nothing to do with his skill set, which is limited but useful.

    It’s effort.
    It’s confidence.
    It’s being soft.

    He built like a Greek god. He has a massive muscular frame, and like you said, can jump out of the gym. There’s a reason why he’s not jumping through people. There’s a reason why he’s not shouldering dudes in the post at will. He’s afraid of contact. He doesn’t play with any anger at all ever. He plays like a kid who is invited to play with his dad and his friends .Just like Obi was. It’s his demeanor .. not his injuries….

    In today’s NBA conversations we throw around the term “dawg” waaaaaaay too much. But whatever the meaning of a real dawg is….Sims is the opposite. Hard stop

  8. Yet another candidate for the Obi-Isn’t-Being-Developed-by-our-COTY-and-staff game. The game itself is about more than a vertical. See the career of Kenny Walker. We are in year 4 and he’s shown very little in BB IQ, any type of post moves, no jump shot and hits a whole .58% of his free throws. Given all that, he’s still a monster starting center.

    In Westchester.

  9. I’ve been talking about the Knicks on the internet since about 2006 and every offseason I’ve seen a conversation along the lines of “if X center could develop a midrange jumpshot…” and I don’t think it’s ever happened without the person showing something real the year before. David Lee is the closest I can think of to a big guy extending his range a lot and that was a multi-year process.

    Overall I think I’m a little higher on Sims than the average person on this sub but that’s an extension of trusting Thibodeau and assuming Sims has shown something in practice and that’s why he’s still on the team. Not because of anything I’ve observed from Sims. I don’t think it’s that he’s passive or soft like other people say, I just think the game is fast for him and he lacks confidence. Highlights don’t tell the story. If he gets consistent burn for 20 games we might see him play most instinctively and look a lot better, and yeah maybe the shoulder injury bothered him last year.

    Anyways he’ll get a shot. I’d still be calling about Steve Adams once our contracts are eligible to be traded though.

  10. Sims coach should tell him to only take shots he knows he can make and no turnovers. I’m seeing a young Ben Wallace in Sims.

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