So. How long do you guys think until Soto is DFA’d or Optioned (If he’s VERY lucky)

So. How long do you guys think until Soto is DFA’d or Optioned (If he’s VERY lucky)

  1. If they traded for him, knowing that they want to make an adjustment, he has a long leash. If they look at him as a final product, significantly shorter

  2. It was reported he asked for a trade because he wanted to be in more high leverage/closing spots. I aspire to have Soto’s self belief based on the early results here

  3. I wonder if Soto will even be claimed if the Orioles DFA him. The other 29 teams have to recognize how bad he is to be released less than two weeks after being traded for two top 25 prospects. Plus who would want to take on that salary?

  4. I think he gets a couple low leverage opportunities when they present themselves. Not sure if he has options but he is under control for one more year. I wouldn’t think the O’s want to give up on him so quickly, but they also can’t afford to have him giving games away down the stretch. He has put them in a really tough spot.

  5. I found myself getting angry at his face yesterday. That’s not good. The man needs to figure his shit out and *quick*.

  6. I do not want to see him on the mound until next season, MINIMUM. That was infuriating to watch Hyde keep him in there.

  7. Why TF are they letting this guy pitch? Are they trying to justify that trade because we all know it was terrible.

  8. It’s such a baffling trade. Wasn’t Seth Johnson a good prospect? What did Elias see in Soto? He hasn’t been good at all for Detroit or Philly. Just a very questionable move imo

  9. He is out of options. My guess is early enough to get Akin back on the 26 man.

  10. My initial reaction to his acquisition – he’ll last a month. 

    Now? I don’t see how we can possibly afford to run him out there even one more time. 

    He’s gone by the end of this week. 

  11. He will not be DFA’d. That is the front office admitting they made a mistake trading for him.

  12. Does he have options available?

    I think it depends on the GRod news. If GRod is fine, someone like Suarez can stay in the pen and they’ll maybe option Soto. If he’s hurt, someone will have to come up to start and we don’t have enough depth at this point to lose someone.

    I’d be surprised if they DFA him, I forgot what the trade we made for him was but I don’t see why they’d pick him up just to defer him immediately.

  13. You guys keep just saying Soto so my brain immediately thinks Juan Soto and I’m like, why would Juan Soto ever get DFAd?

  14. How did we give up Seth Johnson for this guy when this organization lacks any pitching prospects is beyond me

  15. He probably has until the end of the month at the latest at that point someone else has to come up for September to get reps and be ready for the playoffs

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