[ESP] HISTORY! Jalen Hurts has officially gone 158 passes without and interception, breaking the previous record of 157. His outstanding training camp is officially a historic one.

[ESP] HISTORY! Jalen Hurts has officially gone 158 passes without and interception, breaking the previous record of 157. His outstanding training camp is officially a historic one.

  1. Wow, this might be one of the least meaningful stats that someone has made such a dedicated post about in a while.

  2. In other news, our defense has not had a single interception in the last 158 passes thrown by our starting QB

  3. Good for Jalen, but ever since we had Chip Kelly, I don’t get excited for preseason hype.

  4. It’s just practice, but I wouldnt mind him being more conservative this year considering who we have as a checkdown option.

  5. I know this stuff isn’t terribly meaningful but I’m relieved/happy to see him having a good camp in the new offensive system and with a new center and right guard.

  6. All this tells me is that he’s playing it safe. Do it in games and then I’ll care.

  7. Much like Jordan’s shot over Craig Ehlo or Bonds’ 72nd HR, I’ll always remember where I was when I heard Hurts broke the record of not throwing INTs in practices ESP attended

    Historic moment 🙄

  8. I’m impressed by the person that kept track and dedication to this meaningless stat

  9. If this is a real stat, does anyone know who has thrown most Ints in camp? Genuinely curious

  10. Charting throws and ints in camp really how desperate and scared to reassure Jalen is good he’s plenty good let the man play so desperate and afraid

  11. I may be wrong, but don’t you want your QB taking extra risks in practice to “test” what you can get away with and what you can’t. This tells me Hurts is worrying about making mistakes… OR… the defense isn’t playing that good?

  12. Jesus Christ, this is where we are right at right now? September can’t come fast enough.

  13. ESP has been glazing this stat nonstop the last week like Hurts was on the verge of passing LeBron on the all time scoring list

  14. The great thing about having sucha negative and toxic media is, when you notice nothing negative has been said, then shit must be REALLY positive. I havent seen anything bad about Jalens camp so far.

  15. Remember folks, every bit of good news from training camp is simultaneously bad news. Is Hurts having a historically good camp, or is the secondary having a historically bad one?

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