New Cleveland Browns Dome Stadium Vision

New Cleveland Browns Dome Stadium Vision

We need to be bold, we need to be innovative, and we need to take advantage of this unique moment to create a transformational project not only for our fans, but for Cleveland, the Northeast Ohio region and the State of Ohio. While significant work remains, the more we have explored the Brook Park option, the more attractive it has become, and we are excited to share the current vision with you



#ClevelandBrowns #Browns

  1. I hope this isn’t the final version, it looks awful and I don’t see this as an extraordinary or a beautiful architectural design! It’s definitely not like Sofi Stadium, in Los Angeles, or complimentary to the Atlanta Falcons or the Minnesota Vikings stadiums, respectively! I was hoping for something spectacular and this rendering, doesn’t have it!

  2. This is gonna be huge for the city…. Itll be one of the new big artist stadiums to sell out,. Concerts, comedy shows etc… theyll have superbowls here. Its pretty cool.

  3. Just asking for the Math please? What's the long term payoffs vs. costs? Because it seems like we just built these 3 new stadium/arenas downtown just before the millennium..

  4. It's ugly. Expensive and Cleveland is further away from Brookpark than you think. Nobody will be going anywhere downtown once in Brookpark. 😳🙄😡

  5. Players want to play in domes, plain and simple. DW4 talked about this already in his podcast, but domes are great for getting and retaining good players.

  6. Looks nice but sad to see the current stadium getting demolished… 😢I like the location of the current stadium better

  7. Like nike says, "Just do it." This should be open in September 2029. I hope this isn't the final design tho. It should be more spectacular, more extraordinary. The inside look a little devision 1 college football.

  8. Looks like a Crocker Park or Beachwood on steroids with Browns posted all around it. Fans are gonna trash this place if they let them tailgate in it

  9. I get the idea of "other uses" when it comes to an indoor stadium, but how much of the identity of the Browns do you want to take away? I disagree with this choice. It's purely a money thing, not a Browns thing. On that note, Jimmy Haslam has been a train wreck of an owner. Please sell it to someone from Ohio who cares about the Browns and its history.

  10. Roof needs to be retractable. Play the Browns games in everything but snow/freezing and close it for all those other events. I also think circular/oval designs look better.

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