Who were some of your favorite under the radar A’s players that don’t get talked about anymore? I’ll start.

Who were some of your favorite under the radar A’s players that don’t get talked about anymore? I’ll start.

  1. Jarrod Parker. Sad how he could never shake the injuries, he could have been a mainstay in the rotation for years (until FO traded him in an arb year for nothing). I’ll always remember guys like him from the great 2012-13 teams.

  2. I liked Chad Pinder. He was a great utility guy that could play almost every position and hit pretty decently.

  3. AJ Griffin, he pitched the last game of the season back in 2012 when the A’s won the division on the last day. I like his pitching stance.

  4. Eric Byrnes. That guy was a hustle all the time. I remember watching him play in Sacramento before he got called up to the bigs.

  5. Ryon Healy. Too bad he fell off so quick. I remember I thought he was going to become a star.

  6. Marco Scutaro. I loved him with the A’s. He went on to be a big star with the Giants.

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