Dennis Schroder talks about wanting to be in Brooklyn for Long-term

Dennis Schroder talks about wanting to be in Brooklyn for Long-term

  1. That would be amazing.

    Him committing to being the vet presence that helps build a culture during a rebuild is about as ideal as I could imagine. We desperately need that and Shroder is someone that’s seen it all over his career.

    Also helps that he’s a point guard. Nothing derails a young rebuilding team faster then not having someone who can run the offense

  2. Yeah but I ain’t paying this dude a lot of money. No reason for us to sign him unless we intend to be competitive, which won’t be first 2 years atleast

  3. I’ve always loved Dennis so that’s fine. As long he’s signed to team friendly long term deals he’s a great combo guard who can start or come off the bench.

  4. 3/50 with a team option in year 3 seems reasonable.

    With Bogi (20M), DFS (15M), CamJ (23M) & Simmons (40M) Brooklyn has around 100M coming off the books and need to hit the salary floor, this is easily doable and intelligent moves for both sides

  5. Nah we’re good bro lol you don’t fit the timeline but for this season till the trade deadline you cool my guy.

  6. Mhmm yeah work up that trade value so we can flip you at the deadline Dennis

    He’s going to be serviceable-good this year and we’re going to tank hard. Makes sense to send him somewhere that wants an extra piece in the playoffs for a pick or 2.

  7. Keep him. Unless he just has a flatout awful year next season, keep him. Great vet, strong facilitator, and he genuinely likes it here. Don’t know what the contract would look like, but it’s not like we won’t have cap space for it.

  8. Not a bad gap pg tbh. Don’t think we have a better option atm. Don’t think we can give him the bag since we’re trying to tank and make use of the cap space in the next couple years. (I’m thinking to use it on bad contracts tied to future 1sts)

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