Edouard Julien Again

Edouard Julien Again

  1. Really interesting deep dive into Julien’s swing decisions.

    Puts a lot of data to the vibe that Julien is being too passive and seems to have lost the strike zone.

  2. Thanks for sharing. Love these kinds of deep dives as some of the eye test stuff (passivity at the plate) seems clear, but the bat angle and spray chart are things I wouldn’t have picked up on

  3. Man, what a great article. It’s just a very odd thing that Eddie is chasing the very stuff (high inside fastballs) that he hits the worst. Also, even with his great eye, he’s way, way too passive this year.

    Good quote:

    > As the possessor of one of the game’s best batting eyes, Julien’s ideal level of aggression will likely leave him with one of the lower swing rates in the league. But even by his standards, it sure seems like he’s veered too far toward passivity this season. He’s letting hittable pitches go by, and when he does swing, he’s letting the ball get so deep that he can’t drive it the way he did last year.

    Makes you think why coaches haven’t told him to just go up there and swing at everything for a few days to see if he can figure out how to pull the ball again.

    Also, I’m finding out why his helmet always falls off when he swings: his shoulders are almost fully tilted towards the ground when he swings, and he almost always swings at full velocity.

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