Is it even a debate?

  1. Josh looks like the British villain of a low-budget spy movie and Travis looks like a cop who makes uncomfortable passes at every semi-attractive woman he pulls over.

  2. Josh is just objectively the better looking dude. Look at Kelce’s draft pictures before he had a team of people to make him look better for commercials, he was a slightly below average looking dude

  3. Kelce looks like a sleazy 70’s porn star and our guy looks like he just stepped out of the O.K Corral.

  4. Worked with a dude who had Kelce’s ‘stash. He was a jerk, and another colleague said that, “they are actually called asshole-stashes, cuz everyone who has one like that is an asshole.”

    Stuck with me here 25 years later.

  5. Anyone that purposely looks like a cop, or the PE teacher from Beavis and Butthead, can kiss my ass.

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