Anthony Edwards playing over Jayson Tatum in USA vs. Serbia was embarrassing Complete malpractice. – Jack Simone

Anthony Edwards playing over Jayson Tatum in USA vs. Serbia was embarrassing Complete malpractice. – Jack Simone

  1. Said it from the get-go. Anthony Edwards is one of the best ballers on the planet but he shouldn’t have ever been on team USA. Team USA keeps making the same mistake picking only the biggest names not guys that can play team ball which is what you need in the Olympics. Ant is a ball reliant iso heavy scorer. Shit doesn’t work well in the Olympics.

  2. His first two possessions were turnovers. Missed two wide open threes from both corners. Gambled for a steal that led to a Serbia three. Just all around liability this game.

    Start Durant over Jrue, bring 3 Celtics + Bam + AD off the bench. How hard can that be?!

  3. he won’t do it but Tatum has the right to talk as much trash as he wants alongside Jaylen about getting snubbed despite rolling to a ring a couple months ago

  4. It would be one thing if Tatum played and Kerr left Ant out there. There’s something about the benching that really feels like the issue here, IMO. Having made the decision that Tatum isn’t playing at all he’s then not available to switch out Ant when your (shitty) plan goes sideways.

    And let’s be clear: USA looked like they were going to lose this game. I know that the guys came out in the 4th and took it back – which was very exciting to watch – but that level of heroics shouldn’t have been required and have zero to do with Kerr’s coaching ability. He basically had Steph put the team on his back (sounds familiar for Kerr…) and then got bailed out by LeBron and KD. Embiid had some great moments in the 4th too, but he was enough of a liability for the preceding 3 quarters I don’t know that it should count.

    This team is being managed like it’s a kid playing 2K and it’s embarrassing.

  5. I love y’all, and I love Tatum. But we need to stop it with getting up in arms about playing times at the Olympics. Do I agree with the amount he’s used, no. But lets be real he just went on a championship run and is now doing summer ball, this is just rest for next season at this point.

    Mans an NBA champion and about to podium at the Olympics, he’ll be alright.

    Don’t let the media mess with your emotions like that.

  6. Kerr said benching JT was all about math but after the 1st benching, he said it was a major regret. So which is it? Math or a regretful decision, because both can’t be true.

  7. Gotta let it go and chalk it up to it is what it is. Tatum gets to rest for next season. Life goes on.

  8. Jack Simone was PISSED yesterday, and it made me feel validated how fired up I was about it too😂

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