Nikola Jokic’s father in an interview: “Nikola doesn’t like making new friends, he has trouble letting people in his circle, they have to be either from basketball or horse racing. We’re going to fix up the hypodrome and build him a family house (in Sombor), he doesn’t need anything more than that.”

Full quotes and translation from Serbian:

"Nikola loves the simple things. We're going to build family houses for our three sons, each one of them has a car, we're going to fix up the hypodrome so that he can satisfy his love for horses. What more does he need? It's not like we didn't have a cottage, horses and similar things before, what more does he need now? Does he need to go to clubs in Belgrade and be a badass?".

"That stuff doesn't interest him, he has music and his favourite tavern where he goes out on Fridays and Saturdays with his childhood friends. He doesn't hang out with new friends, he has a hard time letting people in his circle, they need to be either from the world of basketball or horse racing, otherwise it's extremelly difficult".

The full article in Serbian.

  1. Basketball and horse racing are honestly pretty cool circles of friends to pick from any way.

  2. I live in Germany, and this is a pretty European attitude overall. Germans come off as rude, but really they just don’t let people into their circle. And once you’re in, you’re expected to be in for life. Make dinners together, go to the pub every week, maybe go on vacation together.

    Edit: I see lots of complaints about this. „Typical“ doesn’t mean everyone. It’s definitely different than the USA though. And it’s even a stereotype that Americans are superficial, and will say stuff like „let’s hang out“ without really meaning it

  3. Cool but what is the big deal here? Did we expect Jokic to be some sort of big social dude or something?

  4. Dude didn’t give a single interview for media since the summer started, not just an interview, literally not a single word towards public. It’s actually insane, even during this celebration in Serbia, not to mention Olympics or even preparations for Olympics

  5. My assumption was that he’ll retire and vanish from basketball by the time he’s 36. He exudes lowkey country life.

  6. Maybe I’m wrong, but it sure seems like he does like going to the club and partying.

  7. So he’s basically me. Just a lot taller, better at basketball, and significantly richer. But if you ignore that part, he’s basically me

  8. And people wonder why Jokic isn’t more hyped by the league…he doesn’t want to be, doesn’t want that life

    To each their own

  9. This tracks. It’s why the “the NBA doesn’t want to make him the face of the league” talk has always come off as bullshit.

    Jokic doesn’t want Jokic to be the face of the league. Dude just wants to do his job that he’s passionate about, and then hang with his friends/family/horses. He’s always come off as an introvert.

  10. I had a dream that Jokic let me wear his shoes to go outside for a smoke, so I won’t accept this new information.

  11. I will miss this man fiercely when he disappears from the public eye forever. 

  12. Everything about Jokic always has to be about how humble and simple he is



  13. Isn’t that the case for basically all adults? Friends are made either at workplace or hobbies lol

  14. If anyone has had a chance to speak with him you’d notice that he’s a pretty socially awkward. Even just a few words back and forth I seen he kinda panics in social situations

  15. Jokic you are one of us, you just so happen to be a top 5 center of all time as well. What a humble beast

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