Y’all Have a VIBE

O’s fan who nagged y’all about what to do at your stadium, so thank you for that 🙂

Y’all have a great stadium. It’s grungy, full of attitude and big characters for fans. Giants and A’s fans were civil and friendly with each other, lots of them came together as friends or family. The energy was electric, ESPECIALLY in the parking lot! All the tailgating was so great! I got a “SELL” shirt and my wife got a shirt saying “Baseball’s Last Dive Bar.” No other stadium has the vibes your fanbase does.

Canseco was there! That was so cool!

Great game, great pitching from the starter and bullpen. It’s a travesty that y’all are losing such a unique team, unique stadium, and you guys deserve better.

  1. The Coli seems to be alive, breathing with us

    It’s got that weird aura middle-aged parks have

  2. Ah mann. Gonna miss seeing Baseball at this old aging beauty. Loved the atmosphere today, Giants fans were so great today. It was truly special. Gonna miss this good ole Bay Area rivalry. See everyone tomorrow for the last game of the Bay Bridge Series.

    Fuck John Fisher! Fucking Billionaire asshole. I really hope karma bites him in the ass and the A’s end up staying in Oakland

  3. A’s ownership fucked up so hard by showing their Vegas hand early. They could have stayed a couple extra years until Vegas was ready, just like the Raiders did. But it’s Kaval and Fisher and they’re two bumbling losers who had every benefit handed to them from having relocation fee waived to having the commissioner in their pocket.

  4. From an A’s fan…..GREAT username!! Also glad you enjoyed our ballpark 🤣

    Edit: wish you could have seen it when our team was THE SHIT. That place would get so full and the fans were so loud you could feel your seats vibrate, not even joking.

  5. As a Yankee fan who grew up with the early 2000’s rivalry with Oakland, I have to admit that playing on the road there was always one of the biggest challenges. Always felt like a tinder box about to explode. I miss those days

  6. Thank you for actually experiencing it and not going off the hate The Town gets. We’re some of the best fans in all of sports.

  7. Today was fun. Went with my parents who live in LA and haven’t been to a game in a while, much less a Bay Bridge Game. Sad to think tomorrow will be the last in Oakland but some great memorized were made here. Best tailgating scene in baseball. Glad you enjoyed it.

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