Anthony Edwards: “Steph had great games, he (KD) had great games, Lebron had great games, but Book was guarding the best player, turning down shots, Book go for seventy, not gonna lie, I was impressed watching him.”

Anthony Edwards: “Steph had great games, he (KD) had great games, Lebron had great games, but Book was guarding the best player, turning down shots, Book go for seventy, not gonna lie, I was impressed watching him.”

  1. Relative to expectations Booker was by far the most impressive player on team USA. Other than LeBron he was the most consistent.

  2. Imagine being Devin Booker, going to sit in the locker room, taking out your phone and seeing 30 million dollars in your bank account, then opening instagram and seeing 1000+ message requests, all 10/10 girls shooting their shot and you just ignore it and respond to ur childhood bball teammate sayin “good looks bruh”, then you get a text from Kendall Jenner talking about how she misses getting fucked by you, but you’re too busy to reply (“i gotta go shower, take a shit, eat etc. i’ll prob reply to her later man..”) so you leave it on “unread”, then you stand up to get dressed but the key to your lamborghini falls out your pocket and you pick it up annoyed (FUCK bro, this shit is so annoying, I need a key ring) and throw it in your gym bag like it’s a piece of candy or something…

  3. Dude is so weird. He’s like a poker player pretending to be worried about a random guy at the table rather than one of the dudes raising every hand. It’s transparent as hell and kinda pathetic.

    That said, Book was great.

  4. Booker never played such good defense like this in his life. I love when players engage and give extra for real stakes. He wanted that gold.

  5. I love Bron and Steph – they anchor my two favorite teams – but Book was my favorite player to watch on Team USA. Literally played perfectly – always took the right shot and made (seemingly) every single one of them – cut, screened, ran out in transition, moved the ball when it came to him, and handled against ball pressure when he needed to. But where did that D come from?! I’ve always mischaracterized him in my mind as an offensive-only guard – one of the best in the league, mind you – but if he can sustain that D for the rest of his career, he’d be counted amongst the handful of best players in the league every year and one of the best SG of the past decade or two.

  6. i wait tables for a living and i was talking to an old head about the Olympics the nights after the gold medal game and when i brought up Book independently as someone i was impressed by unc paused for a second, dapped me up and said “nice to see younger people are still paying attention to the game i love.” cool moment.

  7. Reminds me of Melo on the redeem team. He had his shot opportunities, but came into games to be the best defensive player, and he was a beast.

  8. I didn’t see Booker guard Jokic even once. But I get his point. Booker sacrificed a lot while Bron, Steph and KD got the glory.

  9. I always loved watching book. Easily the 2nd best SG. I don’t why people think ants better than him.

  10. I actually didn’t have much respect (Wasn’t a hater but just didnt want to watch him) for Book until this Olympics. Watching him do exactly what Ant said, completely changed my opinion on him.

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