Do young Blazers fans know the legend of Mighty Mouse?

Do young Blazers fans know the legend of Mighty Mouse?

  1. Grew up in Portland but moved away many many years ago. Was back recently and was shocked my cousin’s basketball-obsessed kids knew nothing of Wilson High School’s finest, the hometown kid, Mighty Mouse himself.

    Had to educate them that once upon a time for like $85 you could go to the Damon Stoudamire basketball camp and on the last day you could scrimmage against Mighty Mouse and whatever other Blazer he dragged there with him that year. And they truly made sure every kid got on the court with them. One of my core athletic memories is trying to guard him in like 7th grade in that camp scrimmage and he did a 360 spin around me at about 10% speed/effort and it was *the fastest thing I had ever experienced athletically* and he wasn’t even trying. I remember intuitively understanding “oh, that’s what an NBA player is”.

    Yeah he liked to smoke bud and roll around with Sheed in the H2, but may I ask you, who else was scrimmaging with kids at their camp at that time and sending every single one home with a signed 8×10?

    I was astounded my cousin had never told his young Blazer fan son about the legend of Mighty Mouse. The kids aren’t alright!

  2. We know who he is. Dude had a very bad habit of disappearing at the most critical time. There is a timeline he gets the team a ring.

    Sadly it is not our timeline.

  3. As a young fan, I am well aware of the legend. But I had always associated him with Toronto over Portland, even though he played in Portland longer.

  4. My favorite memory of Stoudamire is when the guy I sat next to in third year Geography class locked him up in the NCAA tournament.
    Derrick Cross was so dope, and having Miami upset Arizona was great.

  5. He hit on my now wife at a bar and said he was an NBA player, she didn’t believe him because she is about 5’10 and with heels was way taller than him. Still makes me laugh to think she thought it was some random dude lying to her.

  6. He’s a truly kind human being too. When I was in high school I ran into him at a skate park. He wasn’t skating or even really watching, but when someone recognized him he got mobbed. He obviously didn’t really want a bunch of kids swarming him, but he was still all smiles and signed anything anyone handed him. Lots of questions about weed and Sheed and be was really generous with his answers. Just an all around good dude. The Portland WASPs did him dirty with all the jail blazers shit.

  7. My mom once sat next to him at the Nutcracker at Keller. She didn’t know who he was, and helped him fix his broken jacket zipper

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