Andre wins best perimeter defender🔒🗜️ Day 11: Who’s the best rim protector in Warriors history?

Sorry for missing yesterday lol

  1. Has to be Wilt, no?

    Though it’s a little tough because literally no one here has ever seen him play and blocks weren’t even recorded on the stat sheet back then.

  2. Probably wilt, but gotta at least consider adonal foyle. Couldn’t do much of anything else, but dude could block shots

  3. I get Wilt or Manute y’all but Draymond really deserves to be in at least one of these defender categories. I’m voting Draymond

  4. Nate. I mean, Kareem called him the toughest defender he ever faced in his career. If that’s not enough of a co-sign then I don’t know what is.

  5. This list is disrespectful to Draymond. Second best player on the current warriors team, former DPOY, essential part of a dynasty team that has spoiled us all, and what he’s going to be awarded by you “fans” is “most annoying player.” I get that this is all intended to be in good fun. But if I was Draymond and I saw this I would be pissed…

  6. I gotta put Draymond in for this as well. it feels like splitting defender into “perimeter” and “rim” unfairly disadvantages draymond because his skillset is that he [can guard 1-5 in a single possession]( It’s not all blocks and rejections for him – the guy is just oppressive on ball in every way. He has 1 DPOY award, but he should probably have 2 or 3. If the question was just straight up “best defender” in Warriors history, with no caveats. I think he’d be an obvious first pick.

    So for me, I’m gonna put Draymond for best rim defender, because Dray is guarding the ball every step of the way up to and including the rim and if it’s between him and anyone else in our history in that position, I think he adds the most value.

  7. Manute Bol averaged 3.7 BPG for the Warriors over his 592 games played for us. That’s by far the highest BPG the Warriors have ever had. I get that in Wilts time blocks weren’t recorded but I’d rather not assume anything so in my mind it has to be Manute.

  8. Tie Wilt & Thurmond.

    But neither will win cuz 75% of this sub is under 25.

    I’m a massive Draymond stan, but his defensive skill applies to the entire court, not just rim protection. He’s great in the paint for an undersized big man. But an *actual* big man needs to win this category.

  9. Best Rim Protector is a no brainer.

    It’s obviously Wilt Chamberlain.

    Yes…I know most of it was in Philly but come on?
    My 2nd option is Manute Bol

  10. I think it has to be wilt, unless you really don’t respect the 60s which is fair imo, other than wilt it’s dray

  11. Draymond is one of the best help defenders in the league, which is a huge part of paint defense. I’m going him all day

  12. Wilt or Nate Thurmond, but voting for Nate here because Wilt is by far most athletic so he’ll be on there

  13. if this isn’t draymond then he has gotta be best role player—if he’s not underrated, not perimeter defender, not rim protector then he’s the best role player this team has ever had as a dude who has multiple all stars, all defense, a dpoy and glued defense together while having some good years from 3 and playmaking on offense 😤

  14. It’s Wilt. People don’t need to make this complicated and do mental gymnastics to get Dray into one of the defensive slots. This isn’t even total post defense. Its rim protection. The best thing about Dray is that he can do it all, but when it comes to rim protection? It’s Wilt Freakin’ Chamberlain.

    And before anyone brings up wingspan, Wilt’s was 7.8″.

  15. WILT. When Wilt can be an answer to a Basketball question, Wilt is the answer. H had a 4 ft. vertical leap. Would have blocked Steph’s shot over the Winnebago. When Walt Bellamy, a HOFer, came in to the league as the next big thing Wilt told him he wasn’t scoring. Wilt blocked all 11 of his shots in the first half.

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