Cavs fans mental health check in ⬇️

I know Off-season moving slow but just checking in🥲

  1. Genuinely surprised were running it back with the same core. “We’ll see” is my mental state.

  2. Feeling great! I know there’s frustration with the lack of moves, but I actually really like the idea that we’re going to mostly go into next year the same, and see what actual differences coaching and individual development can make.

    There will be fringe moves to make at mid season, and hopefully by then we’ll know what we really need.

  3. I’m absolutely pumped for the upcoming season. We locked up our core for the long term. Still a little concerned about the roster fit but last year was really odd between the Darius injury and long recovery and JB hitting his ceiling. Excited to see what Kenny can do and love that we have Donovan locked in for a few more years. Want Evan to take a big step and Kenny to unlock this roster and maximize what we have. It’s not championship or bust but excited to see if we can make a real deep playoff run. Overall mental state is excited and optimistic…

  4. Excited to see what Atkinson can do with these guys. I like the position we are in. Hoping we can stay healthier this year and Atkinson can make this team even better.

    Also, 2025 draft and free agency has a lot of talent so we will have a half a year (trade deadline) to a full year to see what we have with Atkinson leading us.

  5. Reached the optimistic point of the summer. The NBA community as a whole has moved on from the Cavs as a serious/up and coming team, which I think is a mistake. There’s really not enough in the last two years to say for certain whether the core has plateaued. And there was never an obvious opportunity to improve the team through a trade, so why do it? I still very much see a scenario where the young guys make a big jump alongside Donovan. What if last season was a fluke for DG? What if Mobley at 23 years old still has a big offensive leap inside him? Both of those things seem very possible, if not quite likely. Better to keep investing in young talent than to offload it for a lateral move or sell it for parts.

  6. If this were an RPG, those would be 5 Glass Cannons, as your raiding party.

    The CAVS need some TANKS & a Healer.

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