Podkolzin thanks Canucks fans via his Instagram

Podkolzin thanks Canucks fans via his Instagram

  1. Class act. Not sure why the Nucks didn’t give him the beginning of the season to see if he has improved. 4th rounder is didly-squat.

  2. I had high hopes for Podz, sad to see him go but I trust this managements asset management. Getting a 4th for him now is better than getting nothing for him when a team obviously takes a shot at him through waivers

  3. Team roster is fully stacked up front and he’ll probably have tough time getting those minutes. His age is not that young and Im not surprised if he asked for a trade

  4. With the roster looking the way it was, it was going to be very tough for him to find his way through and get minutes, and he would have definitely been claimed on waivers if we tried to send him down at the start of the season. Sucks, but I wish him the best (not too much of the best though, we still have to take on Edmonton in the playoffs this year)

  5. Interesting how we went from having SO many Russians to having zero in the span in of a year

    Like even from a drafting perspective, we’ve avoided Russia. Kudryavtsev is our only Russian prospect who realistically may become an NHLer, and he barely counts since he’s been in North America since before he was drafted (and was a 7th round pick)

  6. I’m happy that he went to a different team for hopefully a fresh start. At the same time I’m not sure Edmonton is the team that would’ve given him the best opportunity. I mean maybe if they’d lose Holloway? I’d prefer to see him going to rebuilding team like Calgary.

    Either way, good luck Podz.

  7. Losing Podz is sad but the pandemic and the constant coaching changes really messed up his development, plus he was injured often. Perhaps a fresh start is what he needs. Höglander was also under the same situation but he managed to turn it around and never looked back. I always believed that only one of them would probably crack the Canucks lineup and with Nils having a fantastic third season, he secured his spot and could potentially be in the first lines. Not sure if Podz will even crack the Oilers lineup. For all we know, they might send him down to Bakersfield and get claimed and they lose him and their 4th round pick for nothing 😈

    Anyway, Podz’ ability to quickly pick up and learn English and almost speak it fluently was impressive and he seemed to like it here in Vancouver. Good luck to him in Oil Country.

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