Locked on blazers podcast says that we turned over a lot of the medical staff because of all the core injuries

Interesting because the here have been a LOT of core injuries the past couple years – Dame, Nas, GP2, and Sharpe.

  1. Sounded like they had a hard time determining what exactly the root cause of the core injuries was, but it was too strong a trend to just ignore.

    I wonder if that is being said by the org out of respect to previous medical staff, or if they actually couldn’t pinpoint what may have been the cause

  2. Interesting. Wonder what could possibly be the overlap. Wouldn’t you look at training staff first?

  3. I’m just glad to learn that this wasn’t all in our heads. Whatever they were doing, they needed to stop.

  4. I mean, my immediate reaction is ,”Good!” I don’t wish for anyone to get fired or lose their jobs, and I don’t know if it has been due to incompetency or negligence with the medical staff, I suppose it could actually just be a long string of bad luck as far as these injuries…but it’s been so many and so often with so many different players for such an extended period of time now (and I’m not even including the obviously tanking late season “injuries” here) that I feel like hopefully a change in staff might make a difference as far as that’s concerned

  5. Blazers seemingly have always had a sus medical staff. Seems like every season a vital player always goes down for the season at a vital time…

  6. is the strength & conditioning coach part of the medical staff or the coaching staff? injury prevention seems more the responsibility of theirs rather than the medical staff. but i also have no idea how an nba team functions

  7. They are about the only legit real injuries the team had so makes since to make some changes due to this. Had they said it was due to all injuries in general I’d say Cronin should be going out with them since most the “injuries” are coming from his directive

  8. I’ve been downvoted in the past for pointing out we have an abnormal number of injuries – especially lingering injuries – compared to other teams.

    People will say things like “it’s a contact sport.” I’m glad to actually see there was fire along with the smoke.

  9. And Scoot!

    Tough for the people involved, but also based on the fairly extensive coverage of the Dame core Injuries, they aren’t THAT common. For them to happen in one organization this often is pretty wild.

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