Try to give a guy every benefit of the doubt on these things. Time to let the film talk, etc. I am sure he is a really great guy and a fun hang too! But Ika cannot make this roster. I am unsure if he even belongs in the NFL. [Jake Burns on X]

Try to give a guy every benefit of the doubt on these things. Time to let the film talk, etc. I am sure he is a really great guy and a fun hang too! But Ika cannot make this roster. I am unsure if he even belongs in the NFL. [Jake Burns on X]

  1. I don’t think i’ve ever seen Jake call out a player like this, going to be interested to see his film breakdown

  2. Ika looked awful on Saturday. I don’t know if I’ve seen someone that big get absolutely dominated by back up guards 1 on 1 like that.

    If he makes this team this year, it’s because he was a 3rd rounder just a year ago, because good lord he looks utterly lost out there

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