All of Albert Pujol’s 2022 Home Runs to Get to 700

All of Albert Pujol’s 2022 Home Runs to Get to 700

  1. I grew up a Cardinals fan in the late 00s and was living in Cincinnati in 2022.

    Late in the season, it occurred to me that it was likely the last season for Pujols and Molina and I made the trek out to Pittsburgh to see them both one last time.

    During the game, I went to the bathroom while the Pirates were at bat and walked back into the stands just in time to see #696, timestamped at about 12:05 in this video.

    It was an awesome night — exactly what I could’ve hoped for when I bought that ticket.

  2. I was at the game when he hit two in Arizona. Most hyped I’ve been for a cardinals game in ages

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