Seems EA accidentally leaked that all 3 Hughes brothers are on the cover of NHL 25

Seems EA accidentally leaked that all 3 Hughes brothers are on the cover of NHL 25

  1. Figured these 3 would be on the cover eventually, just didn’t think it’d happen so soon with the Devils disappointing last season and Luke still developing.

    Luke doesn’t even have a face scan in the game yet.

  2. The last time a Devils player was on the cover the game was actually good.

    Here’s hoping.

  3. So sick. I’m a heathen and buy every year’s game for chel no matter how mid the game is but this one I’m excited to see on my Xbox dashboard for the next year especially with Lukey Boy and Jack on the cover art.

  4. If the cover photo doesn’t show Jack and Quinn carrying Luke on to it, they did it wrong.

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