CBJ trade Patrik Laine and a 2026 second-round pick for Jordan Harris

CBJ trade Patrik Laine and a 2026 second-round pick for Jordan Harris

  1. I have read from Habs fans that Harris is a pretty solid defenseman.

    This is telling me that Waddell really wanted Laine out of this locker room though.

  2. Laine really raked us I’ve the coals and this return shows it. It’s almost a guarantee he’s going to get back to his normal self now too. This whole ordeal just leaves a nasty taste in your mouth type of feeling.

  3. Wow.

    I just randomly opened twitter and saw that and did a double take.

    Just like that.

  4. So are the opening day LHD now going to be Werenski, Provorov, and Harris? (Assuming Jack Johnson is the 7th Dman)

  5. I would really like to go a few years without having to deal with a star player wanting out at all costs.

    Best of luck to Liane but at this point it’s more of a good riddance from me.

  6. Garbage return but idk what don was really supposed to do here. That’s now two times Laine hasn’t “fit” into an organization. Not sure how he’s going to handle the bright lights of Montreal and their media but best of luck I guess.

  7. No retention, which is why we got basically negative value for him. Waddell was in a tough spot so it makes sense, but still that sucks lol

  8. I will admit I’m glad Laine is gone. I was skeptical of him when we initially got him but he definitely grew on me after a while. Sucks that we couldn’t put a competent enough team around him during his time and he had all the mental struggles and I’m happy for him that he’s getting another fresh start. Wondering if we’re gonna be making any last minute moves on defense now that we acquired Harris.

  9. No salary retained is huge. Harris is cool. Just wish Laine would’ve given it a *try* with a whole new look staff behind em but i guess I get it

    Added bonus is Dubois has to watch the guy we traded him for getting to wear the Habs sweater first

  10. God fucking damn it i’m at the train station in Philadelphia and just saw this.

    I’m gonna miss Laine a lot. It’s cool we didn’t retain salary though and got some help on defense.

  11. Politically: I understand Laine went through some serious stuff. And I wish him all the best in his days to come.

    Selfishly: I could’t be more thrilled to be rid of the drama and retain no salary. We didn’t get much in return … but damn don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Moving on.

  12. You could argue that the actual return on the trade is TBD, since it includes whatever the 8.7M in cap space goes toward.

  13. There was no sort of reasonable return here that this sub would’ve accepted. Anyone thinking we didn’t have to sweeten the pot to get a team taking Laine off our hands is delusional.

    Doing this now benefits us multiple ways.

    – Whatever Laine’s presence was bringing to the org is gone now and before camp to influence the rest of the team.

    – Tons more cap space to work with in retooling the roster to find players who want to be here.

    – We get a potential depth defensman to buffer the blue line.

    Waddell did pretty damn good for a contract that no team would allegedly sniff weeks ago. Letting Laine’s contract run through camp and be terminated sounds like a good idea on paper, but would probably blow up in our faces and make Waddell get blackballed by future free agents.

  14. These brain rotting mummies on Twitter immediately “YaLl GoT fLeEcEd”.

    This was a win in my book tbh.

    $8.7 million cleared up with a alleged decent bottom 6 D-man?

    I’ll take that over 40 games a season and a lack of interest of playing here.

    Forward we go!

  15. Nice birthday present for Waddell. No retention is huge and not beginning a new chapter with a malcontent in the room was a must. Best wishes to Patty, but this is a very good outcome for CBJ.

  16. Montreal is dancing around we got fleeced but its a high risk/high reward on their end. Considering what cards we are dealt seemed like we treated this as a cap dump trade and got back a defensive leaning dman on the left side which we badly need right now (Probably be our LHD3 at the start of the season) and a good kid personality wise.

    Basically we got hosed to clean up the locker room…take that as you will be seems like Waddell has a plan here and these are just the growing pains to get people who want to be part of the solution here.

    That being said that fanbase is going to eat him alive if he doesn’t perform…

  17. I just hope he doesn’t get destroyed by the media crucible of Montreal. It’s gonna be a lot worse than a couple of chud podcasters with 12 listeners being edgelords.

  18. Wonder if the reason why Waddell was so insistent on not retaining salary is because he wants to weaponize cap space at the deadline.

    Perhaps maybe moving all of Laine’s contract allows us to find a taker on Elvis with retained salary. Idk, just guessing. There’s some pretty big names in the UFA class for 2025 and some possible big deadline deals.

  19. Will be nice to move on from this situation and thankfully no salary retained. Gives the head office a lot of options to work

  20. Team chemistry is a thing, after all. Having been privileged enough to lead a few I‘m well aware of how one bad apple can sometimes spoil the lot. We‘ve got a clean start and $8.7 mil more to play with. Let’s roll…

  21. People comparing Laine to Dubois need to get their head checked. He isn’t a diva, he is a dude who has had very rough several years. This whole situation sucks but at the end of the day, athletes health should always come first.

  22. No Salary Retained is honestly worth it.

    Doesn’t look great with a second and Harris, but I think having almost 9 mil free to use makes it worth it.

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