Tyler Herro believes that a healthy Miami Heat team is deep enough to make a run and win a title: “We haven’t been healthy yet. But we feel like when we do get healthy, we have a very deep team – a team that is deep enough to make a run in the East and ultimately win the NBA title.”

  1. I can’t stand Herro , but what he said is right… I truly believe if this team is healthy we can win it all. We are the best rounded team in the entire NBA and have depth outside of Boston , OkC , Knicks , Philly , Dallas , Wolves , and etc… just gotta stay healthy

  2. Here is some trivia for you all: when was the last time Tyler Herro played 70 games in a regular season?

  3. I mean…. did you expect him to say “we have no shot, we aren’t winning the title this year”?

  4. I really don’t think he’s wrong it’s just the fact that i haven’t seen a “healthy” miami heat team since maybe what? 2013? We have literally been consistently decimated by injuries for a whole decade. They need to change something with the way they practice or we need some new fucking doctors man. This injury bug shit happens every year. Even in 2022 when we got the first seed jimmy and bam missed a bunch of time and then herro was hampering an injury the whole playoff run. 

    The front office just needs to quit lying to themselves and admit the majority of this core is injury prone. I think duncan and bam are the only two who have really been available for the most part over the last 4-5 years. 

  5. Maybe if they didn’t over condition and could score, they wouldn’t have to grind out games to win and get injured

  6. We saw a healthy Miami with a playoff Jimmy for all of like 9 mins 2 years ago.

    It looked impressive, but during the regular season a healthy Miami hasn’t looked much better than the constantly injured version.

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