19 days til kickoff ⚔️

1) Josh Gordon (yes the happened lol)

2) Willie Alexander

3) Drew Bennett (the one season he wore #19 in 2001. Always loved him growing up!)

4) me ending my life in the next few days bc I’ve done nothing but fail to the highest degree in my 12 years of adulthood in Denver. Love y’all. Thanks for everything. Bummer I never got to see a Super Bowl.

  1. If anyone wants to DM I could really really use someone to talk to. If not, I also get it.

  2. Life is hard man, but it is definitely worth living. Bad times pass even though it doesn’t always feel like it. Don’t beat yourself up about not being as successful as others or even as successful as you want to be. Try to find the positives around you and try to find something funny to watch and remember that sometimes you just need to laugh at the bullshit around you and move forward.

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