The Big Handsome the is King of Comedy. Now who’s the most annoying player?

The Big Handsome the is King of Comedy. Now who’s the most annoying player?

  1. Funniest ended up being pretty much a 2-man race with my final rough count being.

    Zeller: 129 votes
    Eric Collins: 95 votes

  2. I’m gonna throw a curveball here and say Boris Diaw.

    Dude just woke up one day and decided being a serious basketball for us was beneath him and just like got fat until we were forced to cut him.

    He then gets back in shape and becomes a key piece of the Spurs 2014 title and becomes a fan favorite of NBA nerds and used as something to slander the team.

    Never forget what Paul Silas said about him.

    “I think if he had played all out, the way he should have, it would have been a much, much better club,” Silas said, when asked why Diaw has fallen out of the rotation entirely….

    “I like a player who is really committed to not only the team but to himself and then doing the best he can as a player,” Silas said. “Some of the things that would go on, like not shooting the ball (and) passing all of the time… I needed hoops and he could put the ball in the hoop. When that wouldn’t happen it was very disturbing.”

  3. I hold a grudge against Johnny O’Bryant for when he’d come in during garbage time to jack up mid range jumpers as a power forward, forcing malik monk and other prospects to stand in the corner and watch

  4. Bouk takes most annoying I think.

    That or watching ole bricks for hands Biz.. but Biz was such a great dude that its hard to call him annoying.

    Bouk is my vote

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