Lou, you monster!

FR, though, the Duke is coming.

  1. Should be able to free up some space on the ice for barzy. Really like the move

  2. /r/hockey having an absolute nuclear meltdown over this, if anyone cares to take venture over there and take a gander.

  3. Every time a player is asked about this rule they state it’s more of a team bonding thing. They all seem to laugh about it

  4. The people who care about this is just as dumb as the stupid rule. Who honestly gives a fuck

  5. Gonna walk into work tomorrow and demand and yell about how my dress code and general rules that I have to follow in my company is “archaic”, “outdated”, and refuse to work until they change the policy and see how well it goes for me. Wish me luck!

  6. Listen, it’s a dumb rule but in this case Duke chose to come here so I don’t think it’s nearly as big a deal to him as it is to r/hockey

  7. I know I’m in the absolute minority here but Duclair was a free agent who I’m sure knew about the shave policy and, if he had a problem with it, could have signed elsewhere.

    I’ve never really cared about cut your hair and shave rule tbh, the nothing but suits rule including at the outdoor game last year was dumber frankly.

  8. It’s time for a player to just say no and the likely lawsuit to end this 1950’s nonsense.

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