I live in West Sacramento this was shared on the Sacramento Reddit. It appears legit, and is nauseating.

As a lifelong A’s fan who grew up in San Leandro I used to be a weekend season ticket package holder (2015 – 2018). I am appalled and annoyed that they will be down the street from me, as they belong in Oakland. My friends who know I am a die hard A’s fan keep asking how excited I am to have them in my home now, and I have to tell them that Fisher has ruined the team so badly I can’t even bring myself to watch a game on TV let alone go to one. Seeing this just makes my blood boil in the disrespect to the fans of the team who still might want to come to the little AAA stadium up here.

  1. I mean unless you just got money to burn, who the hell would wanna pay $200 for those seats?

  2. Well, it’s clearly for premium season tickets inclusive of premium perks, of course it’s not cheap.

    Also, I find the “it’s just a minor league stadium” remarks kinda funny considering the state of the Coliseum. They’re moving to a newer, nicer ballpark, it’s just smaller.

  3. Just curious, I heard the players union still has to buy off on this move. Why in the world would they?

  4. And they think the coliseum is empty? How are they going to spin a 10% filled minor league park?

  5. I had someone get mad on that sub because I said that the real A’s fans aren’t gonna be happy they’re coming and it’s gonna mostly just people wanting to see some Major League Baseball. Some selfish ass fans out there.

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