[Marchand] NEWS: John Sterling may come out of retirement to call the Yankees postseason on WFAN, The Athletic has learned.

[Marchand] NEWS: John Sterling may come out of retirement to call the Yankees postseason on WFAN, The Athletic has learned.

  1. I love John. It‘s gonna be a blast from the past, and in hard times, this is good news.

  2. He sounded like he didn’t miss a beat on the radio the other day and that he genuinely seemed to miss calling games

  3. I was thinking if the Yankees make the World Series he’d have to do it. And I would cry actual tears listening to that 

  4. I thought this could be a possibility. Get that last world series win in and ride off into the sunset

  5. For hockey fans, this is like when Tampa Bay Lightning kept Kucherov on LTIR just to have him ready for the Cup run.

  6. This would be amazing especially because we don’t get the YES crew for the postseason.

  7. Next thing you know he’s marrying/divorcing a super model and coming out with his own plant based protein powder.

  8. I knew it was trial run to see if he wanted to come back. He knew he would only need a taste to see if he still had it. I guess we got the answer. LFG

  9. I don’t think he said he hated the job. He just hated everything that came with the job like the travel and getting stuck in traffic after leaving the stadium. It got to be way too much for him at his age. But I think John wouldn’t mind coming back for the playoffs.

  10. Kind of lame of this geezer to parachute in after all the hard regular season work has been done so he can claim the glory calls that’ll be on the season DVD

  11. Yanks brass heard the game yesterday and was like “no way we gonna win with Justin fucking Shackel”

  12. Of all the dramatic things

    “Well they came and got me out of Jersey, and I’ll be seeing you all real soon”

  13. Listening to him in the box with Suzyn the other night just felt so right.

    Interestingly I realized that him not being there and adding his calming perspective to things just made me angrier when the games didn’t go our way.

    In his days of calling it… rather than getting so angry … listening to him say “that’s baseball Suzyn…” kind of made things feel ok.

    I don’t care if he uses wrong names or misses calls. It’s his presence and unique perspective that just can’t be replaced. He has no problem calling it like he sees it and being critical of the organization. Need more of that authenticity.

    I really want to hear one last … Soto and judge … go back to back and ah belly to belly!

    Love you John

  14. If you want to call the best games than you need to be here for the long haul. He straight up retired, if he wanted to work part time work the home games but it’s unfair for the guys calling the games now putting in the work to have someone come in and get to call the most important games. You’re either in or out. You made the decision now live with it

  15. I think they should let Michael Kay call the games. Since his radio show will be on 880 starting Monday, perhaps they and WFAN can work it out

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