[Greta] took my girl to her first baseball game yesterday and said “welcome to my world” and she replied “you said ‘i hate this dumb fucking sport’ and ‘i want to kill myself’ 34 times” and i will remember this night forever

[Greta] took my girl to her first baseball game yesterday and said “welcome to my world” and she replied “you said ‘i hate this dumb fucking sport’ and ‘i want to kill myself’ 34 times” and i will remember this night forever

  1. MLB App Survey

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  2. Looking at this on mobile made me think for a second that they are talking about the cat

  3. If you’re not quitting the sport forever because your team gave up one run in the bottom of the first inning, can you truly be called a baseball fan?

  4. context- this is replying to a tweet that said “took my girl to her first rave yesterday and said ‘welcome to my world’ and she replied ‘our world now’ and I will remember this night forever”

  5. Well, in your defense, we do hate this fucking sport, but as baseball masochists we come back for more every day.

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