Darren Brown weighs in on who he thinks might be the next Captain Kraken. Beniers? Eberle? Larsson (or does he need a contract extension first?)

  1. The more this gets tossed around, the more I like the idea of Eberle as captain then passing the guard to Matty in a few years.

  2. Now is the right time to pick a captain. New coach and new veteran players are coming into the Kraken system. If Francis doesn’t pick someone, we might end up with a player taking on the role like Stephenson.

  3. surprised this whole article doesn’t even mention mccann, who is the closest thing we have to a “ok everybody, im gonna score now” guy

  4. Puckpedia has Kraken $4k under the cap with 21 players. Defense is set with 7D. We need a couple extra forwards for injury. Francis will probably trade Gourde before the season to free up cap space and sign a couple of minimum deals. Then Matty will get the “A” on his chest. I would like to Ebs get the “C”. Then in a few years we see who takes on the Captaincy with this group. It could be Wright, Beniers, Dunn, McCann. Heck I wouldn’t mind McCann getting the “A” before Beniers. We have some veterans that can carry that leadership role. Hopefully they take it slow and not force it. Anointing Giordano in year one was dumb. It should have been all “A” until we found out legit first captain.

  5. Oilers fan chiming in, would love to see Ebs wearing a C for you guys. He’s a gem. It’s gotta be Beniers down the line unless someone with more leadership chops comes into the mix.

  6. Eberle, then Shane Wright in a few years. I love Matty but Shane is the one who I see as having the stronger leadership potential between the two of them. Re: Shane’s interview being mentioned in the article, he probably didn’t think he was the guy because Max McCormick is so awesome down in CV (plus who on earth is gonna respond to an interview like “yeah I know we have a veteran AHL captain who scores at will but clearly I’m the guy”), but I feel like it’s only a matter of time once he gets up here

  7. This is one of those things that’s often debated on teams without captains. But honestly it’s too hard to know who would be the right fit. It’s so much more than just being productive on the ice. There has to be the leadership in the locker room, the level headedness to talk to on ice officials, meetings with management and coaches.

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