Day 6: Most Potential

Big Perk wins most annoying Celtic in a landslide. He actually was both the 1st and 2nd most upvoted comments. Today’s vote: most potential- not to be confused with most wasted potential tomorrow.

Underrated: KC Jones

Overrated: Antoine Walker

Best: Bill Russell 🐐

Worst Starter: 2014 lineup of Phil Pressey, Gerald Wallace, Jeff Green, Jared Sullinger, and Kris Humphries

Funniest: Luke Kornet

Most Annoying: Kendrick Perkins

  1. Kendrick became annoying post nba career but Grant was annoying as a celtic too lol

  2. Len Bias? I don’t think he falls under wasted potential.
    Same argument for Reggie lewis! Man had the keys to the franchise

  3. If Tatum retires right now, his 5x All Star, 4x All NBA team, 2 Olympics gold medal and NBA championship resume would be considered borderline hall of fame.

    Technically he even has not hit his prime yet, at the age of only 26.

    So Jayson Tatum.

  4. perk shouldn’t be there. he became annoying post celts. len bias for most potential

  5. A lot saying obviously Tatum, and I do agree, but I don’t think it’s obvious like everyone is stating. Tatum has the most potential to reach the highest heights for sure. Though, I think JB could come very close. Also, if you were to ask this question a year or two ago, I’d argue JB had more potential to grow (ie. His ceiling was further away). If that makes sense, what I’m trying to say is yes Tatum has a higher ceiling but he was closer to it from the beginning of his career than JB was at the beginning of his career.

  6. Tatum lol.

    There’s never been any Celtics who could have become really good but left outside of Chauncey and Len, who both probably wouldn’t be as good as Tatum.

    This isn’t like Dallas where they hemorrhage all stars because their number 1 option hasn’t figured out how to share the ball yet, or one of those giga small markets (OKC/NOLA) where they lose an MVP to trade/injury/FA every 5 years.

    Celtics have always gotten the most out of their guys because of the team first culture.

  7. So I’m gonna say Len Bias.

    I don’t consider him ‘wasted’ potential, in the sense that he didn’t live long enough *to* waste it. I think of ‘wasted’ potential as someone who played a full career, but never played *to their potential*.

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