Jeff Teague’s story about Kobe and J-Lin: “You left me with this sh**”

Jeff Teague’s story about Kobe and J-Lin: “You left me with this sh**”

  1. Source: [](

    Kind of wild and disrespectful to say that about another person.

    EDIT: Lots of Downvotes, Kobe Fans upset.

    EDIT 2: I am not a Kobe Hater or Enjoy-er, I swear. I am just posting this clip for Karma, and because I thought it was interesting.

  2. I mean Kobe did this publicly too, I don’t know why people are acting surprised about the Lin stuff coming out now. This is the guy who openly threw Pau Gasol under the bus after a playoff game. Viciously criticized Andrew Bynum and the Lakers management for not trading him. Obviously the well known Shaq feud.

    If you followed his career I’d say his Lakers were an unhappy team/locker room for at least 7 or 8 seasons. The problem with Kobe is he tried to mold himself into the hypercompetitive caustic psycho like MJ – but he had to try. What he never realized was that was just MJ was being authentically himself. Kobe overcompensated.

  3. Man I love the guy but sometimes I forget how hardcore he was. He really mellowed out once he retired. I can imagine he was livid with the franchise since they ran him into the ground after that 2013 season.

  4. Bruh, the current smear campaign on Kobe recently is wild. Lol

    Who did Bean piss off?

  5. >Kobe worshiped in China

    >Jeremy Lin is Taiwanese

    I think we know why Kobing “Chilling” Bryant didn’t like JLin.

  6. Love how the non stop parade of mid to garbage tier players shitting on Kobe. Couldn’t have anything to do with him not being around to come back at them right? Cowards all of them. OP is especially cowardly. Keep posting Kobe hate to try and make yourself feel better about the sad excuse for a life you have.

  7. I understand why Kobe is revered by players and fans. He represents what we love about competitors. But man dude was a shit person

  8. I find it ridiculous how people have been overrating kobe since his death. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a legend but he was an MJ-wannabe asshole who was a ball hug, had horrible efficiencies, not to mention a horrendous teammate. I’d take Tim duncan over kobe any day.

  9. I’m happy 520 is getting more traction but it’s going to be annoying seeing Reddit pearl clutchers complaining about how uncensored they are. I hope they don’t get too big. One of the few pods that are entertaining and still feel like barbershop talk.

  10. I think people gotta remember it was a different time.

    I get it sounds like Kobe was being horrible but at least he wasn’t pretending to like teammates then stab em in the back. He told them straight up what he thought

  11. What’s wild is this isn’t like Kobe doing this early in his career or prime, dude was doing it in his twilight years.

  12. Jeff Teague is a natural storyteller. Jeremy Lin was a solid hooper. Kobe was a dick.

  13. I wonder how Kobe respected Lamar Odom if he was a huge party guy who probably didn’t have the best work ethic.

  14. Kobe thought he could anger that roster into carrying him like this a TV show. This was the only way he was getting ring #6 lol

  15. Funny how a pos person can get to this level stardom and reverence with the right amount of talent and good pr.

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