James Wiseman has a yt channel

Seems like a good guy, hope bro bounces back and can turn it around. I feel like the warriors environment kinda failed him.

  1. The warriors didn’t fail him, his draft position and injuries failed him. He had/has waaaay to many fundamental failures to be a fit for a successful modern team from his bad hands, his poor screens, his poor awareness defensively and offensively, his power feel defensively and offensively and lack of functional basketball athleticism (good vertical and straight line athelte but that’s not what’s functional, it’s lateral movement, it’s being quick off the ground, good footwork etc.he just wasn’t a good basketball player. A different environment might have set his development expectations better and he might have had more time on the court but the flaws were real

  2. He really needed two years in the G League on a TWC, not being thrown into a starting role on a team with championship potential. His hype killed his career, and he’ll probably never recover. Developed properly, he might have been much more successful.

  3. Let’s gooooo

    On a serious note he needed to learn how to actually play TEAM ball. Just the fundamentals at least. It’s clear Penny Hardaway didn’t teach any of that

  4. college basketball shutting down the season failed him. or saved him, doubt he’d be drafted so high if scouts got a season to analyze his game. end of the day, he made a bunch of money and is still in the league. not too shabby.

  5. I always felt for the kid. Seemed like he was in way over his head, and was just kinda silently drowning while everyone watched.

    He didn’t do anything wrong, really. Just never developed the skills he needed in the modern game. Would have been a much better player but likely lower draft pick if he had played a season of college ball.

  6. The fact some of you still believe the Warriors failed him is hilarious. Hey may be a good dude but he’s a dogshit ball player. That’s all it is.

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