[Kirschner] DJ LeMahieu just took a ball to the face during warmups. He’s down in pain and getting examined by the Yankees training staff.

  1. Hope DJ is ok obviously. Wouldn’t mind seeing Rice tonight instead if he can’t go.

  2. Hope he’s ok. Regardless of the severity, put him on the 15 day IL and let him catch his breath

  3. Oh fuck not like this. Hope he’s okay. Feel bad for the guy, nothing but freak injuries the past 2 years costing him his career.

  4. ITT: People thrilled with DJ potentially being gone for a while but feigning concern to keep up appearances.

  5. Hope dj is okay (hate his performance don’t hate his personality at all and he’s had real tough injury luck the past few years so hopefully everything’s okay)

  6. As much as I don’t want this to happen to him, this might help the team out a little to be honest. DJs been through the ringer this year 

  7. Ugh let this be the sign to the clubhouse that the man needs rest. Let him get some R&R and take care of himself. We have another year of him, let the man get better so he can go out on top at the last year (maybe before retirement).

  8. DJ was a solid Yankee. Everyone is disappointed that he fell off a cliff performance wise and I’m sure he is really pissed about it. A DL stint wouldn’t be a bad thing at this point.

  9. There’s better ways to send a message that he’s not welcomed there anymore 😂

    All joking aside I hope he’s good.

  10. I want DJ to be okay and able to sit in the gifted rocking chair presentation tomorrow.

  11. The Yankees are Ft. Knox. Pay Rizzo his 6 million and DJ his 30 million or whatever and move on. Fucking Hal is taking lessons from Fenway Sports.

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