all of us after Caleb was asked if pressing a button would kill a Bears fan but win them 10 Super Bowls

all of us after Caleb was asked if pressing a button would kill a Bears fan but win them 10 Super Bowls

  1. Dude wanted to answer it so bad. Could see him looking at his publicist or whoever to get the green light lmao

  2. Ask me in November and I may be ready to volunteer depending on how our season is going

  3. Fall of the house of usher style. You get to see the them all but at the conclusion of the final win…. RIP Bozo

  4. I personally don’t offer myself as tribute, because I actually want to witness these Superbowls

  5. Let’s be real. Bears fans would sacrifice their 1st born for 1 (more) superbowl in their lifetime.

  6. I think he didn’t answer because we are already winning 10 Superbowls, why kill a random person for nothing

  7. How many SB wins do I get to see? Like to indie after the 9th or do I die before the 1st.

    It kinda makes a difference.

  8. Would we be killed before or after the SB wins? That impacts my answer as to whether I would volunteer.

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