Thon Maker has won the poll for most overrated!

Next: Who is the best player in Bucks history?

  1. These are absolutely horrible choices for these first two 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Best is Giannis. Only Oscar and Kareem have an argument, but Giannis’s ring puts him above now

  3. I mean, it’s gotta be Kareem, right? Giannis is close but I think Kareem is a more complete player and was more dominant in his day than Giannis is in his. The Greek Freak has the counting stats but I think that’s a symptom of a longer tenure with the team and not necessarily indicative of a superior player.

  4. Just pencil in Giannis, there is no contest. I wonder if Ersan will fit into these categories? He had four stints with Bucks and I don’t know how many times he broke his nose from taking charges.

  5. Going with Giannis.

    I think Lew was as good of a player there has ever been but it was a brief stint and the absolutely burned the place down on his way out.

  6. I gotta hold out til the very last spot for the Turkish Thunder, Ersan at best Role player, for his charges alone.

  7. Just because I don’t see one yet: I’ll cast my vote for Lew Alcindor. By far more skilled than Giannis, and he was more dominant at the time than Giannis is right now, and no glaring weakness to his game. Would’ve won multiple DPOYs if the award existed: pioneer of the most unblockable move in history, 7’2 with a midrange and great handles for the time. 2× finals berth, 1× FMVP, 3x MVP.

    Yes: Giannis is more accomplished than Kareem for his time in Milwaukee. Unfortunately, that isn’t the conversation we’re having right now. Take modern wemby, add Kevin McHale’ post play, make him 20 pounds heavier, and just for good measure, give him the most unstoppable move in history, and you get young Kareem. Giannis is great, but he is nowhere near the player Kareem was, even in his younger Milwaukee days.

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