The top 10 point leaders among centres for even strength points

The top 10 point leaders among centres for even strength points

  1. Verhaeghe is not a center and Im assuming they didnt count JT Miller as a center?

  2. I know Hughes has been hurt a lot but good on Carter Verhaeghe for matching his 111 points.

    Edit: spelling

  3. I wonder where Ovie’s at (I know he’s a winger). Crosby is a beast but there’s always gonna be comparisons to Ovechkin.

  4. The pens powerplay has problems. Reminds me of the 2014 and 15 ducks powerplay that killed otherwise very elite offenses.

  5. Empty calories. Doesn’t matter as their team has won anything. Every year they are hyped up and disappoint.

  6. Must be a mistake. The NHL will “correct” this chart shortly. Connor must be the #1.

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