Please Stop with the “This wouldn’t have happened back in Oakland” nonsense.

I can't speak for Los Angeles, but I've had season tickets to the Raiders for the last twenty years and have only missed about 5 games. All these newbie fans complaining that opposing teams would have never taken over our stadium in Oakland and it is unique to Vegas are out of their minds. There were some dark days in Oakland when only the most steadfast of us fans would show up.

Here's footage of a clip from Dec 7, 2014's Battle of the Bay when our 1-11 squad ended Kaepernick and the 49ers hopes of making it to the playoffs. It was glorious, even if we were outnumbered.

Raider Nation against the WORLD!!!

  1. For the most part, even in the dark years Oakland was predominantly Oakland fans. I had season tickets through the Jamarcus era. It’s more prevalent to have opposing fans in Vegas because it’s now a tourist destination, and ticket prices are higher.

  2. We went from having literally the worst venue to one of the very best venues in the entertainment capital of the world.

    This is a far more attractive destination for out of state fans to come see their team play and have it be one of the best experiences in the NFL. This will always be the normal… maybe a little less if we start to win consistently.

  3. This only applied to games vs SF and even then we still had at least a 60/40 edge. Let’s not pretend like the coliseum was ever packed with 70% Packer fans.

  4. I used to go to games in LA. We would joke that we want to see a gang fight and a Raiders game broke out.

  5. I had season tickets from 2015 til they left and went to every game except a couple and I disagree. It always mostly Raiders fans, you’d see fans rocking the others teams jersey but they didn’t overwhelm the stadium like they do now. I never went to pre-season games so can’t speak there.

  6. 100% agree.

    I get that I’m biased because I’m a fan that’s on board because the team is IN Vegas. I am a Vegas fan.

    But we really gotta put these fuckin “never would have happened in Oakland” talks to bed. Bitching and moaning that the team left your town for several reasons (contested market, poor local leadership, tampering by the A’s, etc) is not bringing them or the version of that atmosphere back.

    We are in Vegas now, either accept it and support the team, keep your nostalgic gripes to yourself, or find a new team. This debate is pointlessly divisive and offers no solution. The team is not going back to Oakland anytime soon.

  7. Had my first season tickets in 2009-2018, some pretty dark days indeed. Just moved to Vegas and I hate the prices of the games, but some of these new fans better get their head out their asses and show the fuck up lol.

  8. I feel like most of the fanbases that fill up Allegiant also fill up other stadiums too. I have a buddy who’s a Browns fan and he told me when he went to a Steelers games in Cleveland it was 50% Steelers fans. Likewise, if you have a fanbase that’s small of doesn’t travel well (such as the “Los Angeles” Chargers) we don’t have an issue with them at Allegiant.

  9. I think it because most fans are priced out, other fans make a weekend in Vegas and comped tickets from hotels. We have one of the newest stadium as well, overall better experience in Vegas for everyone

  10. Please remember the Oakland city council didn’t want us and we weren’t allowed to go back to LA. The A’s were key in helping to force us out. What did you want Mark to do? Even if he sold the team don’t believe it would have stayed in Oakland. It most likely would have been the Browns/Sonics all over again.

  11. I’ve been a fan for 25 years and Vegas sucks. Raiders/49ers games were always about 50 50 because all those people live in the Bay Area for the most part. Don’t pretend as if Chiefs fans were at the Oakland Coliseum in high numbers. That stadium was dominated by Raiders fans unlike Vegas

  12. I don’t think the 9ers games count, we were literally in the same market. In Oakland the problem was people not showing up to games and blackouts. In Vegas, blackouts will never be a problem, because if Raiders fans don’t show up, the other teams fans will.

    I mean sure, it wouldn’t have happened in Oakland, the coliseum was/is a dump. And rather than the other team filling the seats the stadium would be half empty. If we had a nicer stadium and city in Oakland opposing fans would have been more willing to come.

  13. I admit that in Oakland other fan bases didn’t take over the stadium the way it happens in Las Vegas but I went to many games from 2003 – 2013 and there was plenty of empty seats. Stadium would by 70% empty by 3rd quarter most games. I guess that’s better?

  14. Having only raiders fans because our stadium was so shitty and hard to get to from anyone outside Oakland isn’t a flex. More money for the team means more resources to try and attract players, hire coaches, swallow bad contracts, and just grease the wheels of the entire org.

    If the team isn’t circled by all 31 other teams as an easy dub the crowds will even out.

    But right now the offer is a good chance of winning, the nicest stadium in the league, and a weekend in vegas which again is highly accessible from basically every metro area in the US with typically pretty cheap plane tickets.

    Hell the damn stadium is named after a budget vegas airline lol

  15. That was literally a team in the same metro area, Oakland coliseum is more accessible and affordable to most Whiner fans. Totally incomparable to the embarrassing ratios we see today.

  16. Apples and oranges anyway. Oakland isn’t a vacation destination. Are we really upset more Raiders fans didn’t attend a pre-season game against a team that non Bay Area fans don’t even understand the rivalry. Even as a Bay Area fan, the last game I would want to spend my hard earned money on is a pre-season game vs. the Niners.

  17. Lol
    1-11 team…

    I could have stopped reading right there😅..

    From 2006 – 2014 Raider Nation gets immunity and is able to do whatever the F they feel like with no regrets whatssoever use anything from that time period to try and make a point.

    Since I can’t post another picture

    2006 Shell

    2007/8. Kiffin

    2008/10 Cable

    2011 Hue

    2012/2014 Allen

    2014 Soprano..

    Not mad at anyone by the time of that game for not supporting after having put up with all that much bad football..

  18. 100% agree, it’s time to let it go. Vegas is going to be home for at least the next 25 years. AND, winning cures all. (Which we haven’t done yet in Vegas)

  19. It wouldn’t have happened in Oakland. People don’t go to Oakland for the sites. It’s not a tourist destination with traval agents looking to get the best deal for away fans but vegas is. Vegas doesn’t care about who spends money. they want asses in seats they don’t care about which asses. And if you think this is buisness as usual and nothings different then you have buried your head in the sand.

  20. OP using the niners as an example is hilarious. We are and will always be outnumbered in Vegas bc it’s Vegas and Mark needs his money

  21. You sound like a newbie fan, anyone who can’t appreciate why Oakland was a better match for the Raiders doesn’t understand shit. The Raiders moved to Las Vegas for money but ppl simping over billionaires is nothing new. They could change the name of the team and send them to soccer and you would still be simping. The move wasn’t done for the fans.

  22. If a team puts out a shitty product and still has a stadium full of happy home team fans what’s going to make them want to do better front office wise? I support not supporting if we don’t have a QB honestly.

  23. Hard, hard disagree. You must be a troll. The seats in Vegas are mostly owned by Casinos and are used as packages a lot.

    Never, ever in Oakland did you see almost any opposing fans, if so they were escorted by Raider fans… this is rare example of a pointless game in the SF Bay Area meaningful to 9er fans.

  24. Also the lower middle class has been priced out tickets for the most part. In Oakland the stadium sucked but was affordable same when they played at the coliseum

  25. We would all be better off just letting people be in whatever pockets of Raiders fandom that they want to be and leave it at that.

    You get the fans who come in with the same misinformed bait talking points of Oakland being a shithole blah blah, just straight mess from people who want to discredit Oakland

    As an Oakland Raiders fan, born and raised here, there are people who just straight up bitter they left and because of that can’t have an honest conversation about the Raiders now.

    And you get the fans who want to talk about the stadium issue and are informed solely by headlines, and don’t know its not as simple as Oakland picked the A’s and didn’t want the Raiders.

    And then you get the Vegas/out of state fans who refuse to acknowledge that there are some things that aren’t great atm.

    You can choose to sit here and argue with people all day, or you can just go on with your day and ignore the noise. For me, I am going to stick ignoring all this mess and look forward to the season lol

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