Agree with Bill Simmons here: “Mayo doesn’t seem to understand how press conferences work. There’s ZERO upside to actually admitting out loud that Maye has outplayed Brissett so far… CONTINUED: “Franchise is a mess.”

Agree with Bill Simmons here: “Mayo doesn’t seem to understand how press conferences work. There’s ZERO upside to actually admitting out loud that Maye has outplayed Brissett so far… CONTINUED: “Franchise is a mess.”

  1. What’s the upside of denying the obvious truth that Maye has outplayed Brissett so far?

  2. Admitted? Anyone with eyes can see it.

    What he said this morning wasn’t a problem at all. If anything he’s saying, without saying it specifically, that the only reason they wouldn’t start Maye at this point in time is because of the line. That’s actually an indictment on Wolf for not doing more to address it, and that’s fair criticism too.

  3. It wasn’t a press conference. Also Mayo is a new head coach, there’s a learning curve.

    Yeah Bill wouldn’t have shared this but I think people are really overreacting to this. Our whole franchise isn’t a joke because the head coach said a player is being outplayed by another player.

  4. “Mayo says too much to the media”

    A take brought to you by the same people that criticized Belichick for giving mumbling non-answers to the media.

  5. I find the candor refreshing, and I think this is what we need at this point in the rebuilding process. Let’s keep it all real.

  6. He has outplayed Jacobi. Doesn’t mean he should start right away, cause I would rather wait a bit and not throw Drake to the wolves week 1. If Jacobi is healthy, I am totally fine with sitting Drake for a little bit, it’s not like Jacobi is the long term answer. Drake will start when he is ready, be it week 1 or week 10.

  7. Those nitpicking about Simmons’ use of the word “press conference” versus “radio interview” are toading out. It’s irrelevant which medium it is, the criticism of Mayo is dead on, even if he was shouting it from a hot air balloon.

  8. Ultimately the media doesn’t determine who wins and loses football games, so I’m not too worried about what is currently a PR thing.

  9. I like Mayo’s honesty and I do feel like the decision of whether or not to start Drake is not entirely his. Wolf and the Kraft family probably get a vote.

    I think Drake would play if it was his call to make. I would love to see one of the savvy reporters like Phil Perry or Mike Reiss try to get to his thoughts on it unfiltered.

    Besides. It doesn’t take Mayo admitting it. We have all seen that Drake has outplayed Jacoby, and just imagine what it will look like when the kid puts it all together.

  10. Mayo has developed a bad habit of saying things with almost absolute certainty, only to quickly walk it back.

  11. Other HCs have been this candid, or more so, for years and everyone loves them for it. Mayo does it and fans are ready to storm Gillette, pitchforks in hand, because it’s a complete 180 from the Belichick days. Get over yourselves and your arguments on why this is a big deal.

  12. Everyone has their own style. Also, Mayo has been relying more and more on coach speak, and my guess is that he’ll find a healthy medium of coach speak and keeping it 100.

    Furthermore, all that matters is if he can coach. If he can coach and the players like him, then he can dial back/up his media speeches anytime he wants.

  13. Look I love bill, have been listening to him since the early days of the BS Pod and been reading him even longer. Legit one of my favorite guys ever across sports, entertainment, etc.

    He doesn’t pay attention to football anymore. He’s basically solely a basketball guy 10-11 months a year and has no idea what’s going on with the day to day of the team. He might not be wrong here but this tweet is no better of a hot take than Skip or Shannon would have.

  14. Jesus can we all chill out a bit here. Drake has outplayed Jacoby, and Jacoby is the best guy to start right now given the offensive line. Both of those things can be true and that is exactly what Mayo is saying.

    Regardless of the topic, if you find yourself siding with Bill Simmons then you are on the wrong side of the debate.

  15. I think there’s a general temptation for those of us on the outside to assign extra importance to the things we actually have visibility towards, especially in the off-season/pre-season when there’s no “real games” to reference.

    How important is what Mayo says on the Greg Hill show to the QB battle in actuality, relative to what he says to the players directly and the conversations he’s having with Wolf and Kraft and whoever else? How important is it that Mayo nails these interviews and press conferences? It’s not nothing, but it’s a pretty small piece of the picture.

    But since that is the piece we have the most visibility into, it’s tempting to treat it as a proxy for how Mayo as a coach is handling the QB battle holistically. It’s okay that we don’t know exactly how this is going down behind the scenes yet, and reading too much into stuff like this doesn’t get us much closer to actually being able to evaluate how they’re handling things. We can wait to see what happens during the season.

  16. “Franchise is a mess” is hilarious. This is the first season in a while I’ve seen reason for optimism lmao. The O-Line is a mess, yes, but you’ve got a promising young QB and good young WRs, and a good defence.

    For once you see a legitimate pathway to creating a contending team but because Mayo was too honest the franchise is a mess lmao.

    Relax, Bill. Tom era spoiled you, doesn’t mean the Pats won’t be on top again.

  17. I initially read that as Press Coverage, and was way more concerned. I’ll live with him being bad at press conferences

  18. Agree to disagree. You need to show your best QB that you’re on his side. Just because he is a rookie and you did a terrible job on the offensive line you can’t hold the kid back. There’s more players risking their health to play too and to play for a coach that doesn’t want to win? That’s a tough sale. It’s no wonder why no respectable Free Agent has wanted to sign.

  19. >Franchise is a mess.

    Yes it is.

    Feels kinda like John Henry and the Red Sox. Cheapness, poor management.

    The difference between Rubert and John Henry is that Rubert is better at spinning and appearing to be a good guy who actually cares whether or not the team wins.

  20. This is a poorly coached team now it’s pretty obvious from watching the game last night.

  21. People who chose to get upset over an nfl press conference deserve their misery

  22. For the better part of 20 years they called Bill an asshole for the way he approached press conferences. Now Jerrod shows up and he is being more transparent and communicative…and then they all micro analyze every statement. This is a rookie head coach in probably the worst sports media market in the country.

    And the best part is…they make fun of us as fans for our hope. Lol.

    Idk if mayo is going to work out, I don’t know if Maye is going to workout. Something tells me Jonathan has a little too much control over these situations these days. But whatever it’s his daddy’s company.

    I’m just excited for football, and I’m hoping for a glimmer of something exciting to start brewing. That being said, if drake is the better player, he should play. But we aren’t in the film room, so ultimately maybe there are certain things they don’t feel comfortable with him running. Idk. But living and dying by the conversation on Monday fucking morning on the Greg hill show after a night game is a little silly for everyone involved.

    We have a rookie head coach looking at roster cuts. And being asked incessantly about who is starting..Bill would have said one time his answer, and then never answered another question about it. And that was learned behavior.

    Ultimately, every single person making a comment will say something dumb, make a mistake, stub their toe…I have absolutely zero expectations that Jerrod Mayo is a finished product as a head coach. And that is the most frustrating part of our sports media in Massachusetts and the new England area. This shit isn’t one note, it’s a cacophony, and that was true when Bill was a coach…this guy is getting ready to tell 40ish grown men that they aren’t good enough for a team of 2s and 3s. Chill the fuck out

  23. I’m almost certain that’s mandated by ownership. Don’t tell me you can’t hear Kraft saying, “Listen Jerod… Bill was an asshole to the media and in the end it really hurt him. We don’t want that with you. Be as transparent and honest as possible with them, ok?”

  24. I like a coach that is honest? What is the point in the coy games and politician answers with the media.

  25. Exhibit C why you don’t hire a coach with zero experience when you’re in the middle of a rebuild. Kraft really screwed this one up.

  26. Computer hacker Mayo playing 4D chess and is trying to force the organization to start Maye. At least that’s the story I decided on in my head.

  27. Idk how fans are feeling, but every time I see a Mayo quote, Im thinking “this is why Bill kept his mouth shut.”

    All apart of the learning process.

  28. Oh look, someone else saying what I said earlier (and got downvoted for it): that Mayo talks too much to the media.

    And now watch public opinion on this sub magically switch.

  29. It really doesn’t matter.

    As if the team doesn’t have eyes or as if jacoby doesn’t know that himself. Bill is a masochist when it comes to sports fandom so he’s always hyper negative

  30. There was no answer that Mayo could have given that would not anger the masses. If he lies and says Jacoby was better, he will get flamed, if he lies and says he is not sure he will still get flamed. Any form of dodging the question would get him crushed.

    I view this as more of a subtle shot at Jacoby, the only reason we are discussing this is due to how bad Jacoby has looked in games. If Jacoby played better then the plan of sitting Maye for a bit would sit better with everyone and they would not want Mayo to admit that they care more about working with Maye than winning games in September/October

  31. Anything said at a press conference is being advertised to the entire world, including your opponents. You just gave away free intel to your week 1 opponent on who they should be preparing for. And you can say that intel was “obvious”, but it wasn’t, and that’s now less time they have to devote to a dead end.

    Bill did it the right way… gave basically nothing away that teams could use against him. The media hated it. The lapdogs who don’t question the media also hated it by extension. But anyone with a brain knows the reasoning and it was the strategically optimal way to be doing it.

  32. Why are people freaking out 😂😂

    Mayo has his way of doing things and whoever starts, starts.

    We will all see soon enough

  33. When in doubt address everyone as “the quarterback” and speak in cliches and platitudes

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