Andre Roberson wins best perimeter Defense, which player was the best rim defender ever in our franchise?

Andre Roberson wins best perimeter Defense, which player was the best rim defender ever in our franchise?

  1. Give it a few years and Chet will overtake him, but as of now it’s undoubtedly Ibaka.

  2. Ibaka no doubt. Ask me a couple years from now and I’ll probably say Chet.

  3. Serge. Didn’t he block a Lebron dunk attempt in the finals? Ibaka was an elite shot blocker

  4. I’ll go with the guy whose nickname is based on his defensive prowess around the rim

    (Ibaka, in case that wasn’t obvious enough)

  5. And he also lost us the game against golden state.
    Kevin Durant “shoot that shit” .

  6. It’s Serge. Led the league multiple times in blocks. As he aged he started to move outside a bit more and Chet can definitely eclipse Serge’s title, but it’s Serge. Honorable mention to Big Steve.

  7. Chet is already a better player than Serge in every facet, but longevity will give it to Serge

  8. Wow…im sorry but if you take away the help side blocks from Ibaka, he was a very below average defender and probably would have one tenth the blocks. Yes thats part of defense but his on ball defense was terrible. Shocked there arent more people calling this out.

  9. I get why people are saying Serge but Chet is already better than him as a rim protector

  10. It’s serge but it’s crazy to think how easily and quickly Chet is gonna take that title

  11. Serge. Not only did he earn the name I-blockya but he was also reasonably strong in the paint. I assume we’re going straight to “best handles” next (which might also be Westbrook?)

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