[Highlight] The Nationals Park usher refuses to let an adult have a Jazz Chisholm foul ball, instead giving it to the young fan in front of him

[Highlight] The Nationals Park usher refuses to let an adult have a Jazz Chisholm foul ball, instead giving it to the young fan in front of him

  1. Honestly, I’m proud of that guy for giving it a shrug and walking away. He knew what was going on.

  2. The adult had the right to the ball. He didn’t run anyone over and wasn’t overly aggressive. Not sure why the usher had to do that

  3. Good for him for giving it to the kid, but you should look for some kid in Washington gear, not the road team.

  4. I don’t get why people shame adults for wanting foul balls. Going to games as a kid, all I wanted to do was catch a foul ball. All of a sudden that goes away once I’m an adult?

    The kid has his whole life of games ahead of him to get one.

  5. Unless your Zack Hample, I don’t mind an adult getting a ball if they’ve never gotten one before

  6. My general feeling is if I catch it, it’s mine to do with what I please, but ones that hit the deck or are grabbed by staff should go to kids.

  7. I don’t see what the big deal is. Guy goes after foul ball, usher picks it up before he gets there, guy asks for foul ball, usher shakes his head no, guy shrugs it off and the kid gets a ball

    It’s not like the dude was fighting for the ball or tried to wrestle it from the kid. I’ve never caught a foul ball and I would be excited as fuck if I did. I’d probably even give it to one of my kids (probably just to watch them throw it back on the field)

  8. That’s a groundskeeper, not usher FYI. They hang out down there (next to the tarp). But the usher in that section is awesome, we had seats down there a couple weeks ago.

  9. The have Zach Hample related PTSD, so I dont blame them.

    Also Jazz is back? Holy fuck that was quick.

  10. I interpreted the title to mean that the adult caught the ball and the usher demanded that he give it to some kid, I was ready to come in here and say how fucking stupid that is. But I see that the usher caught the ball and only wanted to give it to the kid – seems fine to me.

  11. In his defense, every guy at a game was a little boy and maybe never got his chance to get a ball his entire life. He shrugged it off but I would be so excited and feel like a 12 year old again to finally get a ball. I got a BP homerun at spring training when I was like 27 and will never forget it.

  12. Remember if you’re an adult at a ballgame you don’t get to have any fun because children exist

  13. Devils advocate here, but maybe the guy is trying to snag a ball for his kid? That guy had some real Dad energy.

  14. I think it’s dumb when an adult catches a ball and is bullied if they don’t give it away. But in this case, no brainer to give it to the kid. The guy seemed to be a good sport 

  15. 100% ok with this, but the whole yelling at adults until they give up foul balls is lame. Saw an old dude leave in tears because he was berated.

  16. Yeah this is fair, give it to the kid since the employee got it first. If the adult had caught the ball though and then the staff made him give it to the kid, that would be fucked up

  17. I’m an old lady and have never caught a ball. I’ve spent good money going to games. No ball for mr because I’m not a kid?

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