“I don’t think half of these kids in the league could have been on an NBA team 20 years ago.” KG’s rant about Anthony Edwards’ comments about past eras 😳

“I don’t think half of these kids in the league could have been on an NBA team 20 years ago.” KG’s rant about Anthony Edwards’ comments about past eras 😳

  1. KG basically argues that NBA players these days are soft and would not survive the locker rooms 20 years ago under David Stern’s NBA

  2. I like the part when he said his era was like this past Olympics with the physicality and the defense. While some players get better, some players get worse too.

    Also to KG’s point, I would say half of the PF and centers would definitely have to change positions and some starters wouldn’t be rotation players.

  3. If he were strictly talking about what happens on the court, I’d agree with KG, because ultimately the game is played on the court.

    But he kinda started losing me when he got into the locker room stuff. Perhaps someone can steelman his argument for me? Is it because the personal off-court relationships used to have a much bigger influence on what happens on the court, compared to today?

  4. KG isnt one of the old heads that constantly complains about the new generation and says “back in my day.” He gives props to a lot of the younger players. I think he’s exaggerating here obviously but can see how he’s also tired of feeling disrespected by the next gen saying ignorant things

  5. I don’t agree necessarily with everything he said, but I agree both with KG and Pierce on the fact there’s a lack of creativity in today’s game compared to 2000s and 2010s

  6. You can really tell who in this thread didn’t watch the clip and just read the title lmao

  7. >I don’t think half of these kids in the league could have been on an NBA team 20 years ago.

    Personally I don’t think 80% of the players in the league 20 years ago would be on an NBA team today…

  8. Ant is running his stupid mouth because he got the media covered as “the next American star”. Medical science and training technology are far more advanced now; you can not compare between eras. Ant can do what he does and have the platform to shit his shit because of the previous era.

    but I also dont agree with KG. Players today play like this because of the environment. if you put them in the league 20 years ago. A lot of them would adapt, and some of them would surely thrive.

  9. KG is a very intense individual.
    I used to watch the NBA 20 years ago, and I still do. I don’t think these young guys could’ve handled it either. Load management was called *being a soft bitch* in KG’s day.

  10. Two hyperbolic comments. KG and ANT both wrong and coincidentally they both don’t have filters and LOVE to exaggerate to get a point across. I swear these two are cut from the same cloth.

  11. Players these days are definitely more skilled because the current rules allow them more freedom to be creative. Try that harden step back or that no travel cause it start at “gather” back in the day and they’d be out of the league in a week. Some present day players normal dribble would be called a carry back in the 90’s. Lol

  12. These debates are silly. Great players are great because of mentality. Jordan would be great now, LeBron would’ve been great then. Hakeem would be great now, Jokic would’ve been great then.

  13. KG does say half of these kids. He obviously isn’t talking about Curry, Ja or Anthony Edwards. He must be talking about the lower half. Mostly the guys that see 5 or 6 minutes of garbage time.

  14. He’s not wrong. This league has gotten so absurdly soft and singularly focused on the 3 point shot.

    If you discount the value of the shooters by 2/3, increase the necessity to play defense, and ask everybody to be ultra physical – how many guys in todays league are really left standing?

  15. Each generation is what the next generation grows beyond. Without guys like MJ, Magic, Kareem, and Hakeem we wouldn’t have had Kobe, LeBron, Duncan, etc. The newer generations will always have more material at their disposal to learn from, but that doesn’t mean they are necessarily better.

  16. Spitting straight facts. You ain’t hitting that triple step back back then

  17. I love KG, and generally agree with what he’s saying here, but that toxic “grown men locker room” shit needs to stay dead.

    Shaq literally poured feces on rookies and dudes were expected to take that shit. Fuck that nonsense. It has nothing to do with being a “grown man.”

    It’s fucking abuse, it’s cowardly bullying, and no one should have to take that horseshit hazing in a workplace. Fuck that.

  18. Give me Clyde Frasier in today’s era… Nephews are nephewing here… You think LaMelo or Ja has a chance against Clyde? Put either in the early 70s… BBQ all day

  19. There used to be more of a physical component to the game in which a kid could not compete with grown men that had years of nba experience, along with years of an nba training program. The advantage still exists but can be neutralized better due to space, rules, and more open-minded (ie less stubborn) coaching

  20. I don’t follow other sports leagues, but I feel like it’s only the NBA that does this shit. I was born in the 80s so am a Jordan guy for life but even I can’t believe how much today’s conversation is about a 60 year old. Pretty over it.

  21. Same thing was said by 80s/early 90s players once we got to 2000s.

    Now late 90s into 2000s say it about 20teens guys.

    Time a flat circle

  22. Just because players play the game the way it is now doesn’t mean they couldn’t play the way it was played back then. Some definitely couldn’t, but you can’t just make a blanket statement like that. The game has changed, for better or worse, but if you take any player from back in the day and plop them in today’s game, I’m almost certain they would play like today’s players do.

  23. Glad someone of KG’s stature is telling it like it really is.

    These kids are as soft as baby shit

  24. “you couldn’t be on your phone in the locker room back in the day”

    Huh, I wonder why

  25. I mean this is marginally true. A lot these young player wouldn’t handle the personality and mentality requirements in that old era but talent wise?? Nah them young boys are benching a lot of bums

  26. Guys are more skilled today, because they have to be. The league as a whole builds off the talent that was there before, and as things evolve, it requires more skill sets from each individual player. 20 years ago a player could make it to the league without a 3pt shot. Those guys aren’t getting contracts in 2024. Players are far less likely to go into the paint now because it isn’t as valuable as being a threat on the perimeter. But if it were, and the old rules were back in place, I have no doubt that the 2004 league would put up a challenge to modern players. Until of course they started playing ‘5 out’ again.

  27. I watch a lot of past games and although I agree the early 90s were plumbers, the 2000s and 2020s are about the same with the skill being higher today, but it’s negligible. I think the Spurs or early warriors would kill today, even the early 2000s pistons or lakers.

  28. We’re taking Ant’s comments too seriously. He prefaced it by saying that he didn’t watch basketball in that era so he doesn’t really know, but then offered his take anyway. We should’ve just dismissed it outright rather than obsessing over it.

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